74 School Shootings since Newtown hoax

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There have actually been 7 mass school shooting since Newtown, CT. Too many to be sure but not 74. Anyone who uses that number is either a fool or a liar. You have the right to argument the point....if you can.

JCM800's Avatar
74 School Shootings since Newtown hoax Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The key word is "mass" Think this point was brought up before, as they used every instance where a gun was used in a school .
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If you read this story plus a couple of other out there the purveyors of this piece of propaganda used every instance of a weapon being fired on or near school property. That included suicide, self defense, accidental discharge, as well as a criminal acts (robbery) that had nothing to do with a mass shooting. They also included these instances when no one got hurt or when a bad guy was hurt. They only found that in the 13 months following Newtown, CT only seven instances would qualify as a mass shooting (more than one victim) and not all of them were cases were the intent was to shoot large numbers of people. Think Chicago, drive bys, and robberies. They also included every single school from isolated, rural grade schools to colleges in the middle of the inner city.

In other words, they lied about the shootings and they have pushed the propaganda to get laws passed.
So what is your point? It has been discussed before.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Redundant, boring and distasteful.

You hit the trifecta again JDIdiot!
Yssup Rider's Avatar

BTW -- JDIDIOT, why didn't you just post your Sandy Hook was a Hoax theory in the existing thread?

Hust like you posted all of your Benghzai foolishness in the same place....ahem.

Never mind!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So what is your point? It has been discussed before. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Then why do people keep posting this scam like it's true? I'll guess it will have to be repeated over and over again until people understand the truth and understand those people who are trying to curtail your rights.
I can't believe this thread was even posted. I thought everyone pretty much knew by now that the Sandy Hook school shooting was an orchestrated incident. The following video clip is a compilation of various school shootings. You won't see any footage of Sandy Hook in this video clip. The reason being there is no footage anywhere of Sandy Hook. No videos, Crime Scene Pictures. No substantiating evidence that a crime had even taken place.


There have actually been 7 mass school shooting since Newtown, CT. Too many to be sure but not 74. Anyone who uses that number is either a fool or a liar. You have the right to argument the point....if you can.

http://www.nationalreview.com/corner...rles-c-w-cooke#! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
How insane do you have to be to happily argue that there have only been 7 mass school shootings in the last year? Seriously. That is your argument?

Classic example of how the people in favor of gun laws that result in 20 six year olds being slaughtered while learning their ABC's are complete clueless morons.

Fuck you admiral.
I can't believe this thread was even posted. I thought everyone pretty much knew by now that the Sandy Hook school shooting was an orchestrated incident. The following video clip is a compilation of various school shootings. You won't see any footage of Sandy Hook in this video clip. The reason being there is no footage anywhere of Sandy Hook. No videos, Crime Scene Pictures. No substantiating evidence that a crime had even taken place.


http://youtu.be/F7pz13DNTJY Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Well, there goes any credibility you might have ever enjoyed on any topic ever posted, past and future.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
How insane do you have to be to happily argue that there have only been 7 mass school shootings in the last year? Seriously. That is your argument?

Classic example of how the people in favor of gun laws that result in 20 six year olds being slaughtered while learning their ABC's are complete clueless morons.

Fuck you admiral. Originally Posted by timpage
You are being deliberately obtuse, TimmyBoy, or you are just plain fucking stupid. He said there were only 7, not 74. That means 67 fewer slaughters. Are you so committed to your spin that you don't bother with context?
No one wants the school shootings, but no one likes the Rahm Emmanuel method of using tragedies to promote an agenda, either.
Maybe school shootings occur because liberals are so hateful to anyone who disagrees with them that people lash out with violence? Why do so many Chicago youngsters lash out with violence?
I say it is because liberals give them a long list of grievances to whine about, get mad about, and excuses for them when they act out.
Fuck you and the liberals you suck dick with!!!
Well, there goes any credibility you might have ever enjoyed on any topic ever posted, past and future. Originally Posted by timpage
Well post me something that proves me wrong. I am open to it, believe me.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I would think that ANY fair minded person would understand that even seven is too many....I guess that was my mistake. Thinking that you're fair minded. Also, a mass shooting does not automatically mean (since you're being very literal) that anyone was killed. All it means is that shots were fired.

This reminds me of what I used to say about 20 years ago. The danger of having of worshipping a politician is when they prove to be otherwise. I use the example of having the door getting a knock. You open the door and Jesus Christ is standing there. Or maybe someone who looks like him. You let him in and (this is important) he convinces you beyond any doubt that he is indeed the son of God returned. Remember, you're completely convinced by either words, actions, or physical evidence. He says that he wants you to help him advance God's kingdom on this world. You agree. You organize, you get out the word on the Internet, and you work your ass off. One day Jesus shows up at the international office and takes you into a back room. He tells you that resistance to his will is increasing and he needs you to do something. He asks you to lie about someone or some group. He wants you to put together a slick PR campaign that insinuates that the enemies of this Jesus are truly lowlifes. Now the question is do you continue to do what your told or do you take a step back and realize that the true Jesus would never ask you to do something like this. You have been taking orders from a false messiah or your messiah is testing you or maybe the messiah would do this and the bible had it all wrong.

What would you do? If the organization or politician that you follow promises to be all things to all people and then demands that you do something that you know is wrong. What do you do? Obama, Bloomberg, Gore, Pelosi all said that they were all things to all people. I can't remember any GOP nominee saying the same thing. Even the NRA has dissention in their ranks with different view points. Only the democrats require lockstep obediance to their cause. Think about it.