Creepy commercials??

TemptationTammie's Avatar
I just heard one of the creepiest commercials on the radio for a nationwide pizza chain. It wasn't just stupid, but downright CREEPY!!
How many would go someplace if you were creeped out by the commercial?
How many would totally avoid it?
Do commercials even effect where you choose to shop or eat?
i'm more or less isolated from commercials in the usual forms (tv, film or radio) thanks to things like netflix or spotify. the exposure i do get (that's more or less unavoidable) comes from things like in-show product placement or billboards, things of that nature.

the advertising i am subjected to doesn't seem have any apparent influence on me. maybe on a subconscious level, who knows. my day to day life is down to a routine anyway so it's not likely to make much of an impact at this stage.

the creepy commercials would definitely stick in my mind, and i'd probably be reminded the next time i see the brand or product. my reaction would differ depending on what kind of creepy we mean, lol.

69th post, "yeaaaa" signing out