Let's All Be Adults!

More2Luv's Avatar
I'm not crazy, nor do I start drama! BUT when a member post a false alert for a session that so called happened in February and it's now close to the end of April causes me to step up and speak my mind! I don't have tons of reviews but the ones I have are good. I have members on here that don't post and really enjoy themselves and return to see me again. Because of this BS ALERT, I'm now getting harassing texts. I really don't appreciate false accusations from someone who never meet me or is upset because I refused to see them. I give respect and like to receive respect in return regardless where you found my information. ( hope that made sense) I enjoy meeting people and love entertaining well mannered gentlemen. We all have good days and bad but that doesn't mean we attack that person and judge them. Just last week I had a session with a member and apologizes for having a bad attack of allergies. I wanted him to know just in case I acted funny during our time together. Everyone that walks thru my door is greeted with a smile and I do my very best to make it comfortable for both of us! The alert is false and I wish it could be removed but it never happened!
rrrabbit's Avatar
My 2 cents...

1) the title suggests that many/some/few are not as adult as you (are) ?

2) true; no one I can think of appreciates false accusations

3) respect is earned; courtesy, on the other hand, ought to be the norm

Let's get this out of the way : I was not there and I do not have the slightest clue of the alert that you refer to.

That being clear, I shall tentatively submit the notion that adults take responsibility for their actions.

I see not even the slightest inclination on your part towards ownership of whatever took place - however slight that ownership may have been.

All I see is a post claiming you are a good provider, that whatever transpired was 2 months ago, and that texts are somehow getting in the way of your day to day dealings.

Sounds more like a teenager's "not fair" cry, than an adult's post at positioning their point of view.

Sorry, I know I sound all negative. I am not trying to discredit you or your post whatsoever. In fact, I wish to pass along my condolences and wish you and yours the very best.

The thrust of what I am saying, however, is that your post would (perhaps) resonate with the community better if you included more information and made and "adult" post.
More2Luv's Avatar
Thank you for your comment! I wish I had more information to give the board. This is my statement, back in February this guy called my ad and I guess was upset that I wouldn't see him because he was under 25. Now he is saying that we had the session, was robbed and threatened for 2 days with the police. FALSE!
  • Booth
  • 04-21-2011, 08:52 PM
Opening with the words "I'm not crazy" is about as advisable as beginning a tv commercial in a political campaign with the words "I'm not a witch". Just sayin'....

More2Luv's Avatar
Your right! With the alert being posted and all the BS behind, I felt like I was about to go crazy.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
You can use the RTM feature to report your "false review".

Explain the details to the Mods in your area and see what can be done to resolve this issue.