10 miles from WW3

HedonistForever's Avatar
Russia fired a missile at a military base 10 miles from Poland. Mere weeks ago, there were American soldiers there training Ukrainian soldiers.

What if just one of those missiles went of course and landed in Poland? Putin said this was to make the point that anybody transporting armaments across the Poland border will be subject to attack.

We'll be knee deep in this before summer is my prediction.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Your solution?
bambino's Avatar
Well, Iran bombed our consulate in Iraq. Nothing to see there.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Russia fired a missile at a military base 10 miles from Poland. Mere weeks ago, there were American soldiers there training Ukrainian soldiers.

What if just one of those missiles went of course and landed in Poland? Putin said this was to make the point that anybody transporting armaments across the Poland border will be subject to attack.

We'll be knee deep in this before summer is my prediction. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
we'll be knee deep in it because that's what the globalists and the MIC want.

Putin isn't stupid enough to deliberately lob a shell into Poland. that could happen by accident. but who's going to believe him if it was an accident?

not only is this exposing Russia's vaunted military as a paper tiger it's also exposing the incompetence of their military leadership. they should easily know that Poland is a inlet to Ukraine and they should have closed if off from the start. that is if these russkies can read a map and stay just inside the border what can Poland or NATO do?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-13-2022, 07:48 PM

Your solution? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
There is no solution imho....except to continue to say we are not going to do anything.....until we do.

I hope we hit Putin out of left field. I hope we do not say we're coming.

I actually hope they call a cease fire and retreat ...but that does not look to be happening.

It looks like China is snuggling up to with that. Russia and we are stuck with Europe.

I can live with that.

Japan might be fucked. Taiwan too.

Has anyone noticed that Israel is not siding with us. I've read where Russia has been courting them for decades.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
pm bennet of israel is trying to arrange a ceasefire with putin.
good luck with that.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
There is no solution imho....except to continue to say we are not going to do anything.....until we do.

I hope we hit Putin out of left field. I hope we do not say we're coming.

I actually hope they call a cease fire and retreat ...but that does not look to be happening.

It looks like China is snuggling up to with that. Russia and we are stuck with Europe.

I can live with that.

Japan might be fucked. Taiwan too.

Has anyone noticed that Israel is not siding with us. I've read where Russia has been courting them for decades. Originally Posted by WTF
china is very nervous about this. don't know where you get that china is ok with this.

Your solution? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Both WW-1 and WW-2 were started with people asking the same question.

Look what it took in the cost of human life to find the answer.

We are lulled into thinking that we are so much more enlightened than those people.

But human nature is always with us. It is the one constant that transcends time.

There will always be “Thugocracies” led by Despots who want to dominate others. Just look at China as our single biggest example.

Their “Founding Father” is one of the most prolific mass murders in human history.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I think Israel has washed it's hands of Biden. I don't know if NBC and friends are reporting this but Russian's are sitting right next to the American's trying to broker a deal with Iran. How fucked up is that? On one hand we are trying to sanction Russia into oblivion, well, not really with all the loopholes Biden has left in the sanctions and on the other, Biden's consigliere with Iran is Russia, who is deciding for Iran that no deal can be made without the US making a "carve out" in the sanctions so that Russia and Iran can trade all day long on anything.

What a cluster fuck this Biden has brought to America.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-14-2022, 06:29 AM
I think Israel has washed it's hands of Biden. I don't know if NBC and friends are reporting this but Russian's are sitting right next to the American's trying to broker a deal with Iran. How fucked up is that? On one hand we are trying to sanction Russia into oblivion, well, not really with all the loopholes Biden has left in the sanctions and on the other, Biden's consigliere with Iran is Russia, who is deciding for Iran that no deal can be made without the US making a "carve out" in the sanctions so that Russia and Iran can trade all day long on anything.

What a cluster fuck this Biden has brought to America. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
The cluster fuck was Trump canceling the deal with Iran.

We should have been using the Iranians to counter Russia.

We had a great relationship with the Iranians...right up until we didn't.

Israel is the one sucking up to Russia that no one talks about.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
General cluelessness is the greatest byproduct of the previous four years.

OR is that which lead to them?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
We had a great relationship with the Iranians...right up until we didn't.
Like 50 years ago, when they weren’t a Stone Age theocracy. You’ve gotta be crazy to think they would side with the US on anything, ever, with or without Obonga’s pallets of cash.

There is no solution imho....except to continue to say we are not going to do anything.....until we do.

I hope we hit Putin out of left field. I hope we do not say we're coming.
Craziness confirmed. This isn’t our war, it’s 2 shitholes duking it out. Nazis vs Commies, we have no dog in this fight other than the corrupt Ukrainian government we installed that’s nothing more than a political slush fund. Any citizen who supports dying US military members, or even far worse, for either side needs a lobotomy. Fuck em, let them kill each other until they’re finished, no different than 100 other places in the world that we don’t give a single fuck about. Of course those places aren’t lining the pockets of US politicians so the propaganda machine won’t be cranking anything out in support of the poor oppressed Congolese.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The cluster fuck was Trump canceling the deal with Iran.

We should have been using the Iranians to counter Russia.

We had a great relationship with the Iranians...right up until we didn't.

Israel is the one sucking up to Russia that no one talks about. Originally Posted by WTF

everything you said is wrong. trump was right to cancel the deal. it's unverifiable. the Iranians weren't allowing inspectors physical access to the facilities. that was a requirement of the deal.

the deal wasn't even a treaty, it was a UN brokered piece of bullshit that was designed on purpose by Obama to allow the Iranians to cheat and get weapons grade material.

if Obama had tried to get that passed in the Senate as all treaties have to be it would have failed and he knew it.

we haven't had great relations with Iran since 1979 when the Shah as still ruling.

the Iranians are allies of Russia, sport. why exactly would they cross Russia for us?

how exactly is Israel sucking up to Russia? because they are trying to play middlemen between Ukraine and Russia?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar