wellendowed1911's Avatar
Where was the racism- heard far worse in rap lyrics
Where was the racism- heard far worse in rap lyrics Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
There you go... come on come on...
Would this clip be racist? or just harmless comedy.


Comedy is different.
Looks more like white people being fat and drunk.......
Comedy is different. Originally Posted by WombRaider
If comedy is different. The same should hold true for innocent cartoons then as well.


If comedy is different. The same should hold true for innocent cartoons then as well.


https://youtu.be/sls5H4xVHys Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I don't remember saying they didn't. It's the muslims who have problems with cartoons, not me.
I don't remember saying they didn't. It's the muslims who have problems with cartoons, not me. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So you think Muslims would find that cartoon racist? I bet this one would piss them off.


Yssup Rider's Avatar
Typical SLOBBRIN. YouTube cut and paste about something you can't understand.

Typical SLOBBRIN. YouTube cut and paste about something you can't understand.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Why did you post a picture of yourself during your PISS stage? Shit Eater
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What the fuck does that even mean, SLOBBRIN?
It's impossible for a white guy to be racist.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
It's impossible for a white guy to be racist. Originally Posted by gnadfly
No it's not
but you can't be racist in words, it has to be actions
No it's not
but you can't be racist in words, it has to be actions Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
I think before actions can be racist, I think a person must have the attitude of racism, and that attitude can come from words. You know it wouldn't go over well and would be considered racist if a news reporter covered the Walter Scott shooting and said something like, " today a white police officer in N. Charlotte, SC shot a *Staff Edit - JCM in the back eight times after stopping him for a broken tail light", and if you heard something like that you would say it was racist.
