Too Funny

Iaintliein's Avatar
Chilling observations about a poll on Gore-bull warming:
Don't know where James Taylor wintered last,but ours was like no winter at all.There has been ice ages and tropical weather on this globe since it started.To deny it is getting warmer is sticking your head in the sand.As to his comments on tornado's wonder where he was? there were more last summer,and we had over 100 come through the plains a few weeks ago.We set a record high temp yesterday,and if that isn't enough ask the people in Texas and Oklahoma if it was warm enough for them last summer.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I believe there was another scienteist that has come out and stated that they rigged the numbers and it was all to keep the research money flowing.

Man has no affect on the climate.

You can take the tin foil cps off now (not really enough aluminum in them to be effective in blocking radian energy).
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Few people deny that the climate is changing (it is always changing) but it is the contention that mankind is primarily responsible for that change. Which doesn't explain the many ice ages, the warming periods, or anything else scientific. Science is about proof and not concensus as Al Gore says (who got a D in his natural science classes at St. Albans)

I experienced many over 100 degree days when I was growing up in Northwest Missouri. Summers seem to have gotten cooler from my prospective and winters are not as harsh. From what I have seen the weather is going for a happy medium. Not too hot in the summer and not too cold in the winter. I do have more education than Al Gore but then again, I was never Vice President (and I didn't invent the Internet).
Iaintliein's Avatar
The salient point is how many claimed to have "personally" been in tornados and hurricanes. . . AGW is not only a scam, it's also a religion.
boardman's Avatar
Tectonic plate shifts are a result of fat hooktards fucking.
Gotyour6's Avatar
It has been going on since the begining of time.
boardman's Avatar
So has hooking....See the correlation?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
What about fat fucktards fucking fat hooktards you must be talking earth shattering tsunamis, volcanoes and styphoons.
The salient point is how many claimed to have "personally" been in tornados and hurricanes. . . AGW is not only a scam, it's also a religion. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Does this really surprise you Iaintliein? Given the bad recall by some of the posters here who think that only the Republicans voted to invade Iraq and get their information from The Comedy Channel?

Turn on the TV, the disinformation campaign by the MSM supporting aGW is massive. The Stockholm Syndrome is in full swing.
I am shit canning Comcast (Infinity) because they are daddy to MSNBC. Fuckem...ijs
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yeah they bought off of Ge who set em up trained em and let em grow iinto the fcuktards they are.

GE has hurt their reputation in a tremendous fashion, have you seen the feeble attempts at commercials trying to convince you they are all about America.
Tell that to the xray group headed to China.