Providers that have BAD communication skills!

eyze15's Avatar
So I'm gonna vent a little. I had a well known provider from the Destin area scheduled for this past Saturday the 25th,and got stood up. I know it's a risk driving 2 hrs and expect for everything to go smoothly,but I waitetill the last possible hr to confirm with her so that I could book a room in the Crestview area btw. She confirmed it was a go. We were supposed to meet at 7 pm,she text me and said that it would be 8 instead. So I said cool,no problem. I then text her the address about 6 pm,she text back and said "I'm actually running early,be there at 7:30" So I'm like oh well even better. 7:45 rolls around and I text her"Everything ok"? She texts back 15 minutes later asking me "You aren't LE are you"? I text her back "Absolutely not"! I then text her my Eccie handle and references. She never asked me to when we first started texting which was on Thursday night. So I apologize to her for not sending her the info in the beginning. I text her again to ask if she was still coming? I figured I would give her a few minutes so she could look up my info. She never responded back at all after her last text at around 7:50. I know sometimes things happen and that's life. But if she couldn't make it for whatever reason, a text back,phone call or email would have been nice. To just straight up stop communicating when you it's almost time for your date is just bullshit! I even sent her a pm and still she didn't respond. I don't care about money I spent on a room. I gave her an option,I could go to you or you can come to me. She replied "I will come to you". She is known for being hard to schedule but when you tell someone your set for that time,which she knew about since Thursday night,at least tell me your not gonna make it. She didn't even bother to tell me that. It's not hard to communicate that in a one text! I was really looking forward to it but now I will never contact her again! And I was paying $$$$,so it's not like it was a quick visit. Any advice or input on this situation would help. I don't think I'm being to hard am I? 😏
Fishman1175's Avatar
I have been in that situation before and felt the same way. Sadly that is the way it goes in the hobby. I have stopped getting rooms unless I'm traveling and already have one. And I always try to have a backup plan if plan A cancels or goes silent. Even well reviewed ladies will just stop communicating sometimes. It sucks but it's all part of the game. I've only been doing this for a couple years but my advice is to go with the flow and don't get your hopes up too much. When it works it's great. But it is never a sure thing.
eyze15's Avatar
Sad part is I contacted another one in the same area and she didn't respond until 2 days later. So what the Hell? 😱 Oh well I guess. At least the other one did respond back to me.
always have a back-up plan.
always have a back-up plan. Originally Posted by night_shift
eyze15's Avatar
I had one the first time I scheduled her a couple months ago and it worked out for me. But this time was different because she actually kept in touch with me until 2 hrs before meeting up. So I felt it was gonna happen. But I guessed wrong. I don't think it's to hard to say "I'm not going to make it".
Cpalmson's Avatar
I think we all know who the provider is. She is well known for this. I know of one valid reason she cancels at the last minute, but to not give a courtesy text is a foul.

As for what you can do, all I can say is do your research. Proper research would have told you this is normal for her. Don't get a room, and always have a plan B in mind.

This happened to me recently. I'm the most cautious guy when it comes to planning and scheduling with a provider. Well, several months ago, I set up an overnight with a lady who lives 2 hours away. She was going to host at her place. We agreed for discretionary reasons that I should arrive around 10 pm. I texted her that I was on my way and she acknowledged. I drive to her place. When I was about 15 minutes away, I texted telling her this. No reply. I figured she might be in the shower or something and continue on. I get to her town at 10 and text. Crickets. I call. Crickets. I wait an hour-- nothing. By this time it is 11pm. It is really too late for a plan b and since I was doing an overnight, it is really hard to have plan b. I drive home. Next day, I get a text with an "explanation". At least, she had the courtesy to text me. She even promised to make it up, but that led to a whole other misunderstanding since her idea of making it up and my idea of making it up were completely different.
eyze15's Avatar
I understand about a plan B. I just figured it was really gonna happen this time. I thought wrong though. The room is no issue,I took most of my $ and hit the Red Rose and had a good time. Lol
I had a similar crazy story about Saturday as well, which is probably just one post down. I guess this is just par for the course for some of the ladies in this area. When I lived in bigger cities, I didn't have the craziness down here. No show is just crickets. No big deal. Next on the list. But the stringing along and the "explanation" afterwards is just ridiculous.
eyze15's Avatar
I hear ya. But their are some that are very good communicators.
Maybe if this thread would help slow down requests for her then she would realize her downfall in common courtesy....wishful thinking.
I just wished it went both ways. If we cancel or no show no text, we'd get lambasted. The courtesy should be both ways. At least tell someone that you confirmed with that you're no longer able to see them.
eyze15's Avatar
Great way to put it! 👍
Maybe if this thread would help slow down requests for her then she would realize her downfall in common courtesy....wishful thinking. Originally Posted by laloverboy
Good point, but this will not happen unless some one names the provider. Might be a good topic for the Men's Lounge!
eyze15's Avatar
She probably doesn't care to much because she's "retiring" soon.