"No explicit talk over the phone"

But see, where was it against the law to discuss with a stranger over the phone on what is their favorite sex position and what nasty stuff they would like to do with you.

Just don't mention anything about paying for those services.

Think about it you guys.
I used to start threads drunk too.
Ellie makes a case on you not behind what you do, but what you say... If someone doesn't know you from Adam and you don't know them especially considering the nature of this business why would you want to bread discretion and discuss such things over the phone?? That is reserved for after you get the screening okay. Just a thought
So if someone is screened?

Ok, Daphne. If I PM you a picture of my 75% erect penis and ask you all what you will do to it, would you let me know all you'd do to it? I'm ok right based on my screen name right?

And I was thinking if you call the random female and ask her basically does she like all positions, what does she not do, and say you're just curious then hang up that can't be bad? Or you phrase the question by asking her what she would do with her lover and she answers the questions I don't think that should be too bad.

I once asked a bp chick if i come to her notel, shower up my area real clean for her would that make a difference in our session. She immediately knew where I was coming from and said no a rubber would need to be worn.
I once asked a bp chick if i come to her notel, shower up my area real clean for her would that make a difference in our session. She immediately knew where I was coming from and said no a rubber would need to be worn.

oilfieldscum's Avatar
I think you should leave the explicit talk and texts for providers that you have met and know for safety sake if nothing else.
I once asked a bp chick if i come to her notel, shower up my area real clean for her would that make a difference in our session. She immediately knew where I was coming from and said no a rubber would need to be worn.

WTF??????????????????????? Originally Posted by hartboyz20

I would have a lot more respect for this guy if he would admit to being drunk!
Timk48's Avatar
I text and talk dirty...but only to those providers I have seen and they give their O.K.
No shit gymrat