When is someone a "provider" of not..?

I struck up a conversation after a session with a FS provider, who is on this board, name not important. We couldn’t come to a conclusion on is someone who does FBSM (not a real massage) + a HJ / CBJ or BBBJ (that does not partake in FS) considered a provider. I know a few that on this board who just do HJ’s, maybe more..but really aren’t they providing..?? Mention was made if kissing is involved then they are a “provider”… now I am throwing it out to the wolves…
CivilBarrister's Avatar
IMHO, any lady who offers any sexual services, including HJ, is a provider.
boardman's Avatar
If I'm getting my nut and she's helping then she's a provider.
I agree with CB and Boardman!

Next question?
blowpop's Avatar
It's a label. Just as with many labels, definitions differ. I consider a provider to be an individual who provides services intended to arouse.
JoeCanGo's Avatar
They are Providing a Service in which the end result is the same.
On my vacation, I had a blowout on my Motorhome. I called Good Sam, and the Lady said, "the service Provider will be there in an hour".

You will just have to believe me when I say I was glad this Provider did not offer "extras".
oilfieldscum's Avatar
If you get a dance in an SC and blow your wad in your skivies than she is a provider.
When is someone a "provider" of not..?
Dude I am confussed.. is that a "provider OF NUT"..?? or a "provider OR not"..?? so what your saying is my first G/F would kissed me & got my first woodie.. was she a provider...?? oh hell she sure was.. back then we used to call them kinda girls "loose"...
I think she would be considered one whether or not she did FS. As long as she helped in providing the ending that you want she has "provided" a service for you.

It's just a matter of what you want. I've seen an FBSM provider who only did body rubs and HJ's. I don't see her a lot anymore because HJ's are only gonna do me so much good. So, I choose to move on to a provider who will do what I want.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Dude I am confussed.. is that a "provider OF NUT"..?? or a "provider OR not"..?? so what your saying is my first G/F would kissed me & got my first woodie.. was she a provider...?? oh hell she sure was.. back then we used to call them kinda girls "loose"... Originally Posted by nomuff2tuff
No there also needs to be $ involved.
Htowner's Avatar
Bill Clinton declined to comment on Monica on this thread but AT&T is my provider.
  • Chloe
  • 11-29-2010, 09:11 PM
I think she would be considered one whether or not she did FS. As long as she helped in providing the ending that you want she has "provided" a service for you. Originally Posted by IceCreamMan
Read my reviews to see how I play BUT I get asked for many things and am not the same type of provider to all my clients because they desire to be provided with an alternate service than what a traditional provider offers . . . what if you just desire a Scrabble buddy for an hour? If I show up and play a very challenging, exciting opponent in Scrabble did I not provide you with the service you requested and do it well?

Twist her, Strip poke her, and Tic Tac Hoe are some highly recommended games to play as well
Captain Gus's Avatar
Ask Bill Clinton??
I did not have sex with that lady;
Yea write;