Everyone affected by the economy

Joddxxx's Avatar
I was curious to know if hobbyists and providers are being affected by this economy. I’ve slowed down some due to the rise of inflation and depending on the market.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Of course everyone has. Providers raising rates for the same if not worse service than they did before, is a reflection of that. But, providers are a luxury although some think that they are doing you a favor by taking your money, they do not realize that the hobbyists also have to deal with the inflation and soaring prices on groceries and whatnot.

The only thing that you can do is tighten your belt and if that means not seeing providers as often, going out to dinner or fast food even, then so be it.
Joddxxx's Avatar
I’ve had many providers contacting me about coming to see them and offering a special discount off their increased price hike. I’m cutting way back for the moment and only see a few in a month.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Maybe they figured that some money is better than no money.
Joddxxx's Avatar
I agree, Wile E Coyote
TexTushHog's Avatar
I’m nit she’d wear people perceive the issues with the economy to be, other than a sluggish stock market. Yes, there is some supply side inflation, and as always wage stickiness has wages lagging prices a bit, but they will come around. Just the way it works. Aggregate demand is still very strong, which suggests that most folks are still making money bad they’re spending us largely unaffected. Employment rates are ridiculously high, so much above the rate of natural unemployment that economists have begun to question the conceit of a natural unemployment rate.

The inky flu in the ointment is wealth effects are stalled because housing price increases have stalled, or even pulled back a tad, and the stock market us in the doldrums, and will likely stay there as long as the Fed keeps — ill-advisedly, I would argue — raising rates.