Privacy, Security, and Providing

I got an e-mail with about 20 other guys CC'd today. I would like to warn the other guys on the list that I use Trillian and it picked up about half your names as having facebook pages. You may want to make these private and/or change the e-mail associated with them. Several of these e-mails are from companies as well. That's another bad idea.

Everyone needs a generic hobby e-mail address that's not associated with anything else. As an IT guy I can warn you that nothing you do at work is really private if the owners really want to know what you are doing.

And ladies... if you have to send out a blast message to everyone you know please use the BCC line. It stands for Blind Carbon Copy and lets you send to a large group without them getting eachother e-mail addresses.
Thanks Brian7772. It is sad to see that some providers do now follow protocol and send massive emails like this to each of their clients. I am guilty with my groups,,, but I only send to yahoo groups and not personal
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I hate when providers do that.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I hate when providers do that. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Welcome back home...
Yeah, Brian got that same email and I too saw all the addresses expoused. Bad deal all the way around.
To the men:

1) Have or get a get a hobby email address and use it for hobby purposes only!!!

2) You gave it out. Think of it no different than dealing with any other company or its 1296 affiliates you agreed to share your email and profile with.

Part of the blame goes to the hobbyists if they are upset their email address is being used for marketing purposes and some of his information is accidentally shared due to carelessness or ignorance. again: see #1 and make sure your hobby email address is anonymous and is not too identifying to you. is not a good hobby address when you happen to own a Porsche dealership.

To the ladies that send out mass emails:
a) Discretion is the cornerstone or this hobby. Please do not forget that. You will lose repeat business if you cannot be discreet.
b) learn to use BCC. If you do not know how to use blind carbon copy, get another provider or hobbyist to show you how. There are lots of computer geeks in the hobby who will be your bitch for a kiss on the cheek and a pat on the butt.
c) If you make a big mistake like this, acknowledge it, apologize, make amends, and don't do it again.
d) If any guy wants off your mail or contact list, honor his request and remove him.

Guys, if the provider does not handle the clean up of her mess properly, I say name her.

If she refuses to remove your name from her list, name her.

If it is a yahoo group, you can always go remove yourself.

To the ones whose email addy shows links to other social networking places, re-read #1 again.
carkido45's Avatar
A while back had a provider send me pics of her new ladies too my cell phone along with a whole bunch of phone numbers attached to it from the other guys she was also sending the pics to.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
For Security:

1. I only connect to the internet thru someone elses account. I drive around until I find an un-secure wireless network or go to the public library.

2. I change email addresses every 24 hours using a random number generator to create the email address.

3. When I need to schedule an appointment I ask strangers if I can use their phone to call my doctor.

4. I wear playtex gloves 24/7.

5. I never actually go to a session myself, I send Civil Barrister , just in case...

tennisguru's Avatar
I got the same e-mail and was really upset that the provider had listed everyone's e-mail addresses in clear sight (no bcc). I agree with the hobby e-mail recommendation. It is a must. I actually thought of posting a thread as well to ask others if they were offended. Glad you took the initiative.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Any one bothered to contact the lady direct ? She may be totally unaware of what happened.

I had a new provider email me once and the email had her real first and last name showing. I contacted her, told her how to change it. She was Very grateful...
CivilBarrister's Avatar
For Security:

5. I never actually go to a session myself, I send Civil Barrister , just in case...

Originally Posted by ThatManFromTexas
Now it makes sense that everyone thinks you are a fat, old, bald, hairy-back curmudgeon.

If that is a problem send TexasGator, and they won't call you a curmudgeon anymore.
She knows. She has also been asked by a recipient to be excluded from her contact list and she said hell no. Let's hope she changes her mind before some bad PR comes her way.
Diabolo's Avatar
She knows. She has also been asked by a recipient to be excluded from her contact list and she said hell no. Let's hope she changes her mind before some bad PR comes her way. Originally Posted by cpi3000
I believe this is alert-worthy material right here.
Mojojo's Avatar
A while back had a provider send me pics of her new ladies too my cell phone along with a whole bunch of phone numbers attached to it from the other guys she was also sending the pics to. Originally Posted by carkido45
Had that happen to me too!
Luckily it went to my hobby email. . . . . this wouldn't happen to have been Thai Bebe when it happened to you would it carkido?

She knows. She has also been asked by a recipient to be excluded from her contact list and she said hell no. Let's hope she changes her mind before some bad PR comes her way. Originally Posted by cpi3000
You could just block it or delete it and tell people its Spam . . . . Im just sayin.
carkido45's Avatar
Nope it wasn't thai bebe it was an latin agency no longer around.
Diablo I agree it should be posted in the alerts forum.