Obama's decision to skip the observance of the 150th anniversary of Gettysburg address:
Can it be that Obama has sensed a limit to his own megalomania? While Obama has compared himself to Lincoln and FDR, and wasn't bashful about assuming the mantle of Martin Luther King Jr. on the 50th anniversary of the “I Have A Dream” speech, perhaps he knows that nothing he can say would measure up to Lincoln’s extraordinary 272-word achievement. For one thing, it is impossible for Obama to be succinct about anything. His natural tendency to turn every occasion into a meditation about himself would vindicate—this time—the editorial reaction applied to Lincoln’s short panegyric at the time.
-Steven Hayward @Powerlineblog.com

LexusLover's Avatar
Oh! I thought he had announced his resignation. "Teasing" us are you?
200K's Avatar
  • 200K
  • 11-18-2013, 08:31 AM
Oh! I thought he had announced his resignation. "Teasing" us are you? Originally Posted by LexusLover

I'm with you!
I thought the same thing when I saw the heading!
Obama's decision to skip the observance of the 150th anniversary of Gettysburg address:
Can it be that Obama has sensed a limit to his own megalomania? While Obama has compared himself to Lincoln and FDR, and wasn't bashful about assuming the mantle of Martin Luther King Jr. on the 50th anniversary of the “I Have A Dream” speech, perhaps he knows that nothing he can say would measure up to Lincoln’s extraordinary 272-word achievement. For one thing, it is impossible for Obama to be succinct about anything. His natural tendency to turn every occasion into a meditation about himself would vindicate—this time—the editorial reaction applied to Lincoln’s short panegyric at the time.
-Steven Hayward @Powerlineblog.com

http://www.powerlineblog.com/archive...gettysburg.php Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Total idiocy. You're a moron.
xtrem's Avatar
  • xtrem
  • 11-18-2013, 05:31 PM
Typical.. TP Is that your best defense?
Sadly, its one of his better ones. And to think TP left us for a short time because of the "level of debate."

Quick Fact: Obama was sworn into the Office of The President using Lincoln's bible.

Quick Fact II: Lincoln was a Republican.

I wonder when Obama was being sworn if he thought "I can fool ALL of the people ALL of the time."
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-18-2013, 06:02 PM
Sadly, its one of his better ones. And to think TP left us for a short time because of the "level of debate."

Quick Fact: Obama was sworn into the Office of The President using Lincoln's bible.

Quick Fact II: Lincoln was a Republican.

I wonder when Obama was being sworn if he thought "I can fool ALL of the people ALL of the time." Originally Posted by gnadfly

unlike you a bible doesn't care about right or left, black or white
I would think that attending a ceremony and showing hommage on the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address would be at the very top of a sitting President's " list of things you do.

No President was ever more "American" than President Lincoln when he stood for those few short minutes and stated what this Country stood for, and still stands for.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
unlike you a bible doesn't care about right or left, black or white Originally Posted by CJ7

Are you always this confused or is this part of your Obamacare package?
LexusLover's Avatar
unlike you a bible doesn't care about right or left, black or white Originally Posted by CJ7
I guess it depends on what version. Which version do you follow?
LexusLover's Avatar
unlike you a bible doesn't care about right or left, black or white Originally Posted by CJ7
Is this yours?

Typical.. TP Is that your best defense? Originally Posted by xtrem
My best "defense" to what? What's to defend? You chuckleheads would find fault with Obama if it was revealed he was in fact Jesus Christ himself descended from heaven.

There is not one person in 10,000 that could even tell you the date that Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address. The only reason you idiots know is because it's been on the TV lately. Earlier this year, the criticism was he didn't fly to Europe for the D-Day commemoration. Next week, it will be because he didn't attend the crowning of Ms. Pumpkin Patch commemorating Thanksgiving. The entire premise is stupid and is designed to do nothing more than give you halfwits another reason to criticize the President.

Gognad, go fuck yourself. If you ever post up anything worth responding to, I'll bitch-slap you silly.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Civil War buff here and I saw the movie.
LexusLover's Avatar
My best "defense" to what? What's to defend? You chuckleheads would find fault with Obama if it was revealed he was in fact Jesus Christ himself descended from heaven. Originally Posted by timpage
At a minimum I would look for nail holes.
Check your head first.