Hobby Etiquette

There is nothing that makes me, as a provider, more uncomfortable than discussing services and rates. This week several gentleman have contacted me and asked about both. One gent told me we could discuss it in person. WTF! Guys...check showcases and reviews. Even if I've verified you I will not discuss rates with you. One guy I was so excited to see screwed himself when he walked in and started talking money. I would not see him! Come on folks! I'm concerned because I do believe le is on here so I have to be careful and you should want to be too.
MuffinMan's Avatar
Chloe, you are soooo right! I'm seeing reports of these kinds of things some guys are doing and all I can say is, "You just can't fix stupid!" Nothing you or I can say will ever fix these dullards, but we can keep on trying.

Good luck and go with your spidey senses.

Lol. I just hate to pass up on a fun time because of a simple slip up. I seem to have gotten a lot of "newbie" calls. Problem is I can't distinguish of its a newbie or a cops. Cops love to play that "im dumb to the biz" stuff. I'm just not newbie friendly really. This is a pretty black and white industry. All the small talk is unnecessary.
DallasRain's Avatar

MOST of us providers have it all out there to see!

Guys {and gals} research is your best friend!!