Reincarnated's Avatar
What makes your ATF your ATF?
Lots of fun,and reliability!
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 09-18-2011, 07:23 PM
I've been trying to answer that question for the past 4½ years...
cckid2006's Avatar
An ATF is someone I feel at ease when I'm around them.

We do what feels natural. No pretense - not acting what a concept!
Attractive, a GF connection, smart and someone that's not a human time clock/cash register. My ATF's bring their overnight bag and we enjoy a whole evening - in all the ways we like...
The way she makes me feel. Emotionally and physically. A fabulous illusion (or is it?)!
boobs mcgee's Avatar
my guess is they do "extras" with that guy that they claim they don't do with others.
  • Jax
  • 09-19-2011, 02:05 PM
She's always very personable and easy to talk to. She seems to enjoy my company as much I enjoy hers.
AcesHigh's Avatar
The chemistry is perfect and the sex is hot!
guest031812's Avatar
I like aceshigh answer,, best said
cckid2006's Avatar
Finally, some provider noticed there is a theme!
Whispers's Avatar
I have had VERY few ATF's.... After all "AT" stands for All Time....

But with each of them there has been a relationship that went beyond the hobby alone. We connected on a variety of levels and there was time spent in each others company beyond that which was compensated.
Never had an ATF. Soon as I write a review, I am thinking about the next one.