Need help advice.

Duthgar1976's Avatar
Hello I know slot of us disagree on all types of subjects but I honestly need some help.

I am disabled unable to really walk and I don't drive due to a phobia of driving. I live with my parents and here lies my problem. The relationship between my father and I has become toxic and no matter how I try to keep the peace it always gets bad between us. Having anxiety and depression problems I'm afraid I'm going to hurt myself if I stay here.

Guess what I'm asking is does anyone know of housing for people like myself? I ask because I just don't know what to do anymore.
Knight2554's Avatar
I would check with local social services rather than here. Other than that I don't have anything to offer but prayers.
bored@home's Avatar
Is there a way you can overcome your phobia of driving?
Age may play a factor in what's available in assisted housing as does income level. Just to get you out of the situation that you are in, look on Craigslist under housing/rooms shared AND post an ad in the section that says apt/room wanted. You will find all types of situations.
If you are going to a mental health clinic or MHMR, they should have a social worker on staff that may be able to help.
OK to PM me if you need to chat.
Finkle's Avatar

I would advise against your veiled suicide threats, people around you may feel that you are a danger to yourself. Then you'll have to take a trip to Green Oaks and that will only make things worse. Quit your whining and suck it up. Your attention seeking behavior is irritating.


Close this whine-fest of a thread Mods.
Stevensegal's Avatar
IMO - you should consider talking to a therapist. 311 should assist you in finding available resources.
Stevensegal's Avatar
After much reflection, I must say that I am no position to say who should or shouldn't consider speaking to a therapist. Sorry! You should still consider calling 311.
Finkle's Avatar
See Duthgar, you're even making StevenSegal uncomfortable. You should tell someone from your real life, not a hooker board, how you're feeling.
Duthgar, if you get to a point where you DO want to hurt yourself. Go to the nearest ER and tell them. They have to care for you and get you the help you need on the spot.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 03-25-2016, 10:13 AM
Hey finkle, why don't you Shut The Fuck Up. There is absolutely no call for the comments. You come off as a fucking dick. If the thread irritates you or pisses you off or brings up bad childhood memories then just ignore it. When someone is needing help, they grasp at any straw they can, it may not be logical to you but when desperation sets in you try anything.

Duth, call your doctor, they can help.