Is it odd when these Johns try to become a part of a providers life.

I find it odd that the Johns start out paying and try to worm their way into a providers life. It seems to me the Johns are trying to build a bond so they can one day stop paying and get it for free...but it seems many of them stop getting it and end up giving away more money.
  • Roboz
  • 03-09-2015, 12:41 PM
What brought on this comment Jayhawker=observation or personal experience??
What brought on this comment Jayhawker=observation or personal experience?? Originally Posted by Roboz

Just in talking to some providers and they speak of how some of these Johns always want to get personal. The providers talk about how the Johns try to get close to them and then eventually make a play to try to get it for free.

However, I do give away help because for every lady that leaves this business it is a victory.
CaptainKaos's Avatar

Just in talking to some providers and they speak of how some of these Johns always want to get personal. The providers talk about how the Johns try to get close to them and then eventually make a play to try to get it for free.

However, I do give away help because for every lady that leaves this business it is a victory. Originally Posted by Jayhawker
Wait a sec. Why is it a victory?
nineninanine's Avatar
I find it odd that the Johns start out paying and try to worm their way into a providers life. It seems to me the Johns are trying to build a bond so they can one day stop paying and get it for free...but it seems many of them stop getting it and end up giving away more money. Originally Posted by Jayhawker

I find you odd.

anyone who says..."the Johns" or "these Johns" as if he (or she) is living outside the hobby looking in, and then passing judgment on all "those people" has issues.

you're a strange cat.
thebuffmantraples's Avatar
I find you odd.

anyone who says..."the Johns" or "these Johns" as if he (or she) is living outside the hobby looking in, and then passing judgment on all "those people" has issues.

you're a strange cat. Originally Posted by nineninanine
Oh, no, no. He is a Banned Cat now! Ha, Ha, ha.

However, I do give away help because for every lady that leaves this business it is a victory. Originally Posted by Jayhawker
Finally he or she admits their agenda for being on the board...and all this time I thought we had the secret agenda.....oh well!
good to see this nutcase finally got what was coming to him.....good riddance!!!!
JRLawrence's Avatar
I find it odd that the Johns start out paying and try to worm their way into a providers life. It seems to me the Johns are trying to build a bond so they can one day stop paying and get it for free...but it seems many of them stop getting it and end up giving away more money. Originally Posted by Jayhawker
You are crazy! The women needed to be treated with true, not fake, respect. Getting to know someone as a person does not mean that one wants to "worm their way into a providers life", that would not be respectful of the lady as a person.

The fact of life is that all women, and men, (yes, I said all) need the help of others in the community. We all want friends.

I have customers in my business that have developed into good friends over the years because I have always treated them fairly and appropriately. In this life one never gets something for free, we all have to put forth the effort to develop friendships with others.

At the same time, it is wise for all of us to recognize the users and abusers who try to control others. The sociopaths and psychopaths will always be with us, both men and women.

We should all keep a watchful eye on those who will pose a danger to others; that is the way we avoid them. We usually don't confront you, we just avoid you. Most people know this. Is this why you don't have any friends except for others like yourself? There are guys who can't even find sex by paying for it. Are you one of those. Likewise there are women who no sane guy would want to see, if he knew she was crazy to start with.

good to see this nutcase finally got what was coming to him.....good riddance!!!! Originally Posted by playa76
If a new member has the handle Jaysquawker will it be a giveaway?
Well I don't know what hookers you talk with but my clients aren't expecting it for free.
there simply is no such thing as free...

in one way shape or form you will always pay for it....
bp6570's Avatar
even when youre married.....
I don't think it's odd to build a relationship with a provider especially if you see her regularly...... a bond of some sort will form..... i like to think there's a couple ladies out there who would call me a friend.... hobbyists and providers are together and trading the most intimate things we can with one another..... however It has to stay in perspective...... i wouldn't go to mc Donalds and try to get a free big Mac just because I've been going there for years....... so in the hobby you get business relationships...... and if your smart and respectful you can build some pretty great the two above stated nothings ever really free
there simply is no such thing as free...

in one way shape or form you will always pay for it.... Originally Posted by nudiej
Advice and criticism usually are .