Is just me? discounts

Girls advertise great specials or discounts but they don't say the discount or special, you have to call to find out the "special".

Why would girls want calls or PMs asking for discounts?

Feels kinda like a care dealership move.
I would hate to call a girl and she says her deal is XXX.XX for an hour and you then you say oh ok no thanks. It's like saying i want to see you but you ain't worth that.
Leaving things open for negotiation. Not only that, but a specific special one man denies, another will jump on. She doesn't have to settle with the rate plastered on her ad, instead she can alter her discount to maximize earnings.
Leaving things open for negotiation. Not only that, but a specific special one man denies, another will jump on. She doesn't have to settle with the rate plastered on her ad, instead she can alter her discount to maximize earnings. Originally Posted by Eva Damita
Eva, interesting answer. However, I think what some ladies forget is that many gents dwell on one click simplicity. (Or maybe two on your ad one on your showcase...) Of course I'm not opposed to sending a polite PM, mentioning the ad and inquiring about rates. However, the stigma around discussing donations and/or services makes this a dicey area.

I would think that making it simple to determine the "special" would help bookings rather than detract...but then again, you all know what works best for your business model.

I've read many posts, rants, flames and drama filled threads where negotiation is a no-no, and now I hear some are open to it. maybe when posting an add, it's noted that its a fixed special or a YMMV special. Some providers are very clear up front, others its a gray area.
It would make it easier, rather then start another post where providers slam guys for bargaining etc.
EVERYTHING is negotiable if you allow it. There are no rates set in stone that a provider has to charge for the services she offers. A provider who is firm on her own set rate needs to say that on her showcase/ad, and if she offers a special rate, reflect that in her current ad, her showcase on the appropriate line and for how long it is for.....pretty simple, so no discussion is necessary.

The providers who flame a guy for trying to negotiate her donation, especially when she is not offering any specials have every right to do so because if she was, she would notate that in an ad or her showcase, if she has good TCB skills. And guys, do not let one of the first question you ask her, "are you offering any specials?", at least pretend to not be a cheap ass, even if you really are, and show some dignity.
Hercules's Avatar
I think what some ladies forget is that many gents dwell on one click simplicity. Originally Posted by Billy Babitt
Me. Just give me a fucking number (pun intended).
OldGrump's Avatar
Good suggestions. I prefer the "special" be stated. I don't like to go silent after hearing it isn't special enough for me. It makes me feel like I'm being rude.

Most of us prefer not to negotiate. We want to book a session at a price you have stated is satisfactory with you. Not one that has "cheapskate" swimming in your brain while we hope for GFE.
right thats all i am saying... post it when there is something available, take it off when there isn't
Duthgar1976's Avatar
and im the guy that never negotiates or looks for specials....
doublebogey49's Avatar
Good suggestions. I prefer the "special" be stated. I don't like to go silent after hearing it isn't special enough for me. It makes me feel like I'm being rude.

Most of us prefer not to negotiate. We want to book a session at a price you have stated is satisfactory with you. Originally Posted by OldGrump
I have always been a little uncomfortable when an ad says "contact me for my special rate", since my hobby understanding is that I should never directly discuss money with a provider. And I, too, prefer to not to negotiate and to have an understanding that the price is satisfactory for both of us.
ktiix's Avatar
  • ktiix
  • 04-01-2015, 04:08 PM
Girls advertise great specials or discounts but they don't say the discount or special, you have to call to find out the "special".

Why would girls want calls or PMs asking for discounts?

Feels kinda like a care dealership move.
I would hate to call a girl and she says her deal is XXX.XX for an hour and you then you say oh ok no thanks. It's like saying i want to see you but you ain't worth that. Originally Posted by LittleWit
I haven't dealt with a lot of Eccie ladies so I can't say with any measure of certainty, but think about it like this.

If you were watching a commercial for Tacos, and you were really hungry for tacos. The commercial was for Taco Barn, and they're good. They are 15 minutes from you though, and their prices are about the same as Taco Slut which is about 5 minutes from you and those tacos are good too. You're thinking now that you should hit up Taco Slut while you're watching the Taco Barn Commercial BUT in the commercial it says something like "Try our New Hellfire Taco, or New Specials every day." It doesn't really matter what it is because the human mind is very easy to manipulate when in a state of desire. You DESIRE the tacos it doesn't matter where from, you would ordinarily just go to the closer or better place, or weigh them out in equal measure depending on your preference. But with the whisper of a promise you go to Taco Barn. Turns out the special is for burritos and damn it you want a f'n taco! It doesn't matter, you're there now. You buy their taco, and eat it and forget all about the time you could have saved by going to Taco Slut.

Basically the call for special rates is an enticement to initiate contact. The rates aren't posted for a lot of reasons, perhaps they aren't so special at all? Perhaps the lady doesn't want to irritate someone who just recently spent more. Perhaps those who have better reputations get better rates, maybe it's not exactly for all visitors, maybe it's only for multi-hour sessions or something. But once you call, and talk and get past the awkward initial first contact chances are you are more likely to ride the ride You're already in line for vs. the one you still have to go look for.

It is marketing, it's a smart marketable move. The success of it depends on who is doing it, how they are doing it, and how good they are at it.
Rates and location location location KISS.
I haven't dealt with a lot of Eccie ladies so I can't say with any measure of certainty, but think about it like this.

If you were watching a commercial for Tacos, and you were really hungry for tacos. The commercial was for Taco Barn, and they're good. They are 15 minutes from you though, and their prices are about the same as Taco Slut which is about 5 minutes from you and those tacos are good too. You're thinking now that you should hit up Taco Slut while you're watching the Taco Barn Commercial BUT in the commercial it says something like "Try our New Hellfire Taco, or New Specials every day." It doesn't really matter what it is because the human mind is very easy to manipulate when in a state of desire. You DESIRE the tacos it doesn't matter where from, you would ordinarily just go to the closer or better place, or weigh them out in equal measure depending on your preference. But with the whisper of a promise you go to Taco Barn. Turns out the special is for burritos and damn it you want a f'n taco! It doesn't matter, you're there now. You buy their taco, and eat it and forget all about the time you could have saved by going to Taco Slut.

Basically the call for special rates is an enticement to initiate contact. The rates aren't posted for a lot of reasons, perhaps they aren't so special at all? Perhaps the lady doesn't want to irritate someone who just recently spent more. Perhaps those who have better reputations get better rates, maybe it's not exactly for all visitors, maybe it's only for multi-hour sessions or something. But once you call, and talk and get past the awkward initial first contact chances are you are more likely to ride the ride You're already in line for vs. the one you still have to go look for.

It is marketing, it's a smart marketable move. The success of it depends on who is doing it, how they are doing it, and how good they are at it. Originally Posted by ktiix

I'm not sure that you should eat at a place called "Taco Slut". Taco Barn, maybe, but def not Taco Slut.