Accidently posted on the wrong section

This morning I was posting an ad for myself in San Antonio. I accidently posted in the alert section instead of in the Provider ad section. Is there any way to delete the ad I posted in the alert section?
SpursFan's Avatar
Just send a PM to our friendly local moderator Mokoa.

He can move it to the right place.

Ahem, nice pics and showcase you have there, me likey.

Thank you so much and thanks about the pictures...
While SpursFan has a good suggestion for you - sometimes it is much better to use the (Report To Moderators) option. The staff member you PM may not be available and there are others who also respond to RTMs (or Report This Post). This is especailly something to use if there is something really important you need edited.
And yes -- your posted pictures are very nice; however, your Showcase is SINstional.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 12-21-2010, 06:05 PM
This has been handled.