How our opionions and attitudes are controlled.

O'Mike's Avatar
Don't know how many of your view "Ted Talks" but this one is pretty good. Only about 9 minutes long, which is short for them, but a lot of good information.

For those that don't think they are being manipulated by the media, you really need to listen to what this man has to say.
Stay evil Google.
dearhunter's Avatar
My evil plan is working.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Google will save us all. Just look what the Google guy did in Egypt Most people have no idea the media controls public opinion and chose to stay in the dark on many matters. In some cases the public could not handle the truth.

Look at the idiot woman who tried to kill herself due to The Rapture....Religion controlled her.
LexusLover's Avatar
If I do not get current event information from "the media," from where do I get it?
lizardking's Avatar
There’s no way to know the truth, and you sure as fuck can’t get it from media. If you want accurate information, you can rely only on your own ears and eyes, and even they are not foolproof (see, Whitfield & Strong, “believe half of what you see, Son, and none of what you hear”). There is nothing novel about the underpinnings of Pariser’s opinions, only a new medium and a new method. All media, by their very nature as vehicles of information transmission, distort the information transmitted and can become more significant than such information. (See, McLuhan, The Medium is the Message) Modern media, as allies of big business and big government (the “bought priesthood”), distort with intent, purpose, and ruthless efficiency. (See, Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent) Will the “algorithms” be benign and/or indifferent? Maybe. Maybe not. We damn sure know that humans are not, and Pariser’s statement that “journalistic ethics” have yielded a system that has “gotten us through the past century” and allowed us to have a “functioning democracy” is ridiculous bullshit.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised!

If you have some time on your hands watch this.
Meoauniaea's Avatar
Only the people who don't know where to look are "controlled". And Sofia, Google is not who you think they are. One person, in this particular Egyptian case, doesn't make a company.

This is a company that has gone on record (within the last two months) and mentioned that they feel they need your private information to make your life better technologically. Whatever that means. To be fair, The Vole (micro$oft), RIM, Apple, and other companies are guilty of the same thing, but take the attitude of yeah we do it too and we both know it, so nothing to see here.

End of line.
LexusLover's Avatar
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
The wind won't either.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Thanks for posting that provocative link, O'Mike.

The threats that are invisible are the most insidious.

I bookmarked the page, but I will have to listen to more before I decide what exactly is the problem here and decide if there is actually a problem or simply an imagined threat.

There is such a vast amount of data in the universe that a search engine that tailors its results to my particular tastes does not seem like such a bad idea.

. . . This is one of those things that can easily slip under your radar, but is worth considering.