Ladies... Your opinion and/or thoughts on cancellations

TexasMark's Avatar
I'm throwing this out for discussion because I've had it happen to me and I'm curious how you dealt with it.

I had a provider cancel 3 appointments for various reasons, some believable, some not so much. After the 2nd appt., I asked if she just didn't want to see me, because if that was the case, I'd move on. She said that wasn't it. Ok, the next appt ended much like the 2nd except just didn't hear a word from her till 4 hrs after we were supposed to meet. I had sent a text the day before to verify and one the morning of, neither got a responce till the 4 hr after mark saying that she was sorry for the inconvience, especially since I had taken the day off for the appt.

Personally, I'm not looking for a freebie or discount, but I would hope that she would go out of her way to make things right.

What say you? How would you, how have you, dealt with a similar situation?

For the record, I haven't heard a peep out of the provider.
boardman's Avatar
I know you said ladies but..........

If it happens once it's a mistake, Twice and it's a coincidence, Three times and it is a trend.

In investing you can't just look at what your are making you have to look at it relative to what you could be making elsewhere to determine if your strategy is successful.

You are investing your time in making appointments, driving to locations, texting etc... all with a girl that doesn't have any respect for that time. It ain't about the money you've spent it's about the time wasted and the money you could have spent elsewhere.
All pussy is good when you can get it but is it worth the hassle when there is good pussy out there that is less hassle?

Move on, I have. If she comes to you with a reasonable offer and a promise to make it right you can weigh your options then. I seriously doubt it will happen though so go find a new hotter ATF and let her lie in the bed she is making.
dearhunter's Avatar
If they jack your time, out them here in open forum........they will either learn from it...........or, the rest of us will.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Well this one is just like baseball...three strikes and you're out.
there was a gent i had rescheduled 3 appts with in a 2yr period.
once he brought it to my attention, the "frequency" of my mishap,
i offered him a VERY discounted special.
now that was 3times in 2 yrs...

good luck to you! whatever it is you seek, i hope you find it.
"Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times, it's enemy action. "

Auric Goldfinger
carkido45's Avatar
Fool me once shame on you.
Fool me twice shame on me .
Fool me three times just call me a fucktard.
Westsideboy's Avatar
Fool me once shame on you.
Fool me twice shame on me .
Fool me three times just call me a fucktard. Originally Posted by carkido45

Fool me once shame on you.
Fool me twice shame on me .
Fool me three times just call me a fucktard. Originally Posted by carkido45
Wow, very correct though. Giving her a chance 3 times--that`s just ridiculous. Especially considering the huge # of providers in Houston. And it`s not like it is a distant small town where you have no providers and the only one is the flavor of the town. Even then , I would drive instead of scheduling with her in that town !!

Seriously, just post the provider`s name and go meet another provider. And then all is fine with the world !! Both the heads and the heart are happy !!
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
If they jack your time, out them here in open forum........they will either learn from it...........or, the rest of us will. Originally Posted by dearhunter

I tend to agree here. If you were a NCNS to her, your ass would be out there, why should she be held less accountable? Is your time not worth something too? To be left in the lurch, is left in the lurch, I don't care which side of the game you're on.

If she has a legitimate defense, she can show up and state her case. If she fucked up, let her own it. Either way, let it be a lesson learned for you, and hopefully one taught to others.

tyboy1's Avatar
I am with DH and JaD. Let us all know who she is so we don't run into the same problem.
With me's two strikes and you're out. I would never stay at the plate for 3.
I say tell us who it is.
nebtex1's Avatar
If you keep keep coming back for this kind of abbuse ... to me it appears as being pussy whip and she will pile it on.

I agree with some of the other comments that you should name her ... so others know what they can expect. Many will want to avoid the drama.

The worst kind of cancellation is the ones with no notice ... that kind only deserves 1 strike.