Regular ads are not allowed to be posted on Eccie. However, some providers will make posts like, "how's the weather?, what are good places to eat?, ect.", commonly known as threADS. Since the ad forum for providers was removed, history shows that some providers can do it while others get their thread locked or deleted/moved by staff members.
If you want know what category a provider fits in (or maybe like most guidelines and rules on this site, it is a mood thing for the mods), then encourage providers to do threADS and see what threAD gets to stay up and open for commenting on. We all know, if it were not the fact of other sites having problems, then this site would be pretty dormant as far as new threads go. So, anything else will be refreshing.
Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Whether or not the ThreAD gets to stand actually hinges on very specific things.
1. Ladies cannot post dates-- so giving specific dates or even days of the week can result in an edit or removal.
2. Ladies cannot mention websites-- the best way around that detail is to have a personalized email to go along with your site--
3. Ladies cannot say things like "schedule with me now" or "come see me". No direct "enticements".
When you see a threAD get deleted or edited-- its generally because one of those rules were violated.