Desperate times: Marines told to 'save every round'

Chica Chaser's Avatar

(CNN) – United States Marines are being told to preserve ammunition and gasoline as a deal softening the impact of automatic spending cuts continues to elude leaders in Washington.

Marine Corps Commandant James Amos urged personnel in a video posted online Friday to "save every round, every gallon of gas," and to "take every single aspect or opportunity in training to get the most bang for the buck," a reminder of the cuts' immediate effect on the U.S. military.

The Marine Corps and other branches are being forced to cut billions from their budgets as the result of the spending cuts, which were triggered March 1 when Congress and the White House failed to strike a deal reducing the federal debt. In a letter to all Marines dated March 2, Amos said his branch would cut $1.4 billion in 2013 and $2 billion in every ensuing year for nearly a decade.
Maybe they can borrow some from the DHS who just purchased almost 2 billion rounds of ammo...
Or how about firing some of the bloated DoD staff and use the saved money to buy ammo?
Ya think all these sequestration cuts are being intentionally done where it'll make the most noise and get the biggest reaction?

And just as a refresher, these aren't "cuts" at all, only a reduction of the planned increase in spending next year and beyond.
LexusLover's Avatar
And just as a refresher, these aren't "cuts" at all, only a reduction of the planned increase in spending next year and beyond. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
+100 ....

And it confirms prior waste .....
daty/o's Avatar
As an ex-Marine, I think we would be the last branch of the military to ever "waste" a shot.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
As an ex-Marine, I think we would be the last branch of the military to ever "waste" a shot. Originally Posted by daty/o
IDK, here he is in his own words. The quotes above come in around the 7:00 minute mark.

You don't see the president, or members of the House & Senate taking any cuts as they exempted themselves from the cuts... As they exempted themselves from Obamacare, gun control, social security, etc, .....

Vote these bastards out!
LexusLover's Avatar
As an ex-Marine, I think we would be the last branch of the military to ever "waste" a shot. Originally Posted by daty/o
And I don't think that's the point. Never knew an "ex-Marine" though.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Once a Marine, always a Marine.
I will check with my direct contact in the Marines and see what he says.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 03-14-2013, 06:44 AM
Well, could start with the first dog handler. Oscumbo, could just eat the fucker now and save 100k. Lmao
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You don't see the president, or members of the House & Senate taking any cuts as they exempted themselves from the cuts... As they exempted themselves from Obamacare, gun control, social security, etc, .....

Vote these bastards out! Originally Posted by Humphrey
What a crock of shit! They exempted themselves,from Obamacare? GUN CONTROL? Social security? And what is etc?

That is just flat untrue!

Please show me what gun control laws on the books that Congress exempted itself from.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Ted Kennedy's bodyguard with an UZI in the capital...exempted!
Carl Rowan, reporter to capital hill shoots a teenager in his backyard with an illegally owned pistol...exempted!
Every idiot congressman who brings in an "assault weapon" to make a point....exempted/
David Gregory brings in an illegal magazine.....exempted!
Gotyour6's Avatar
As an ex-Marine. Originally Posted by daty/o
Former or Ex?

Hmmmmm, Never in my life have I heard a Marine say that. EVER
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Maybe this is a the plan of Obama to disarm us further. We gun owners will get pissed off and set up a collection. We will donate our own ammunition to protect marines and further deplete our own stocks. Yes, smells like an Obama plan.
JCM800's Avatar
Maybe this is a the plan of Obama to disarm us further. We gun owners will get pissed off and set up a collection. We will donate our own ammunition to protect marines and further deplete our own stocks. Yes, smells like an Obama plan. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
you have uncovered yet another Obama conspiracy.... good work detective

Maybe they can borrow some from the DHS who just purchased almost 2 billion rounds of ammo...
Or how about firing some of the bloated DoD staff and use the saved money to buy ammo?
Ya think all these sequestration cuts are being intentionally done where it'll make the most noise and get the biggest reaction?

And just as a refresher, these aren't "cuts" at all, only a reduction of the planned increase in spending next year and beyond. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

But, but cut MANAGEMENT!?!? Are you HIGH!?! Why would anyone cut overhead instead of direct labor? That would just be fucking un-American! Where's your dedication to the tittie-sucking middle and upper management all over the world. You know, the ones that lay people off and STILL collect their performance or retainer bonuses. Surly you jest good sir.
What a crock of shit! They exempted themselves,from Obamacare? GUN CONTROL? Social security? And what is etc?

That is just flat untrue!

Please show me what gun control laws on the books that Congress exempted itself from. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I don't know about the gun control laws, but face it, our SERVANTS have exempted themselves from lack-luster entitlements We the People have to pay into for the far shinier Congress retirement and health care. Be honest. You know what percentage of our GNP entitlements are now, before Obamacare? They are opting out of shitty programs that are horrible expensive so they can live like Oligarchs..................... .....wait, most of them are millionaires...............may be they should pay for their own shit and get off the tit.......................Just a thought.