March 8 -- International Women's Day

Monk Rasputin's Avatar
Happy International Women’s Day to all of the Austin Adorables. In Russia, this holiday is a time for sweet and loving sentiments. The traditional gift is a sprig of mimosa, and I offer each of you one now. Thanks for the many ways in which you add brightness and adventure to my life.

С международным женским днём, моими скадкими, нежными дамами!

How sweet ty dear!
I appreciate that baby! That is very sweet!
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Thanks Monk!
Miss Sophie Bella's Avatar
Thank you, darling Monk. Happy Russian Revolution of 1917 Anniversary Day!
Thanks Monk! May we all enjoy more brightness and adventure!
That is very sweet! Thank you very much Monk.
That is so super sweet, my darling!