Washington Examiner Pelosi's Greene new heel: Speaker equates Republicans with QAnon

  • oeb11
  • 02-01-2021, 03:02 PM

Pelosi's Greene new heel: Speaker equates Republicans with QAnon

Nancy Pelosi has a new Republican villain: Marjorie Taylor Greene.
© Provided by Washington Examiner The House speaker is happy to use outrage over the Georgia congresswoman's dug-up conspiracy-theorist comments and Facebook interactions, such as when her page "liked" a 2019 post saying that "a bullet to the head" would be a "quicker" way to remove Pelosi, as a way to turn attention back on Republicans as a whole and paint Republican leadership as enabling those views.

Pelosi last week weighed in on calls to remove Greene from committee assignments. “What I'm concerned about is the Republican leadership in the House of Representatives was willing to overlook and ignore those statements," she said. "Assigning her to the Education Committee when she has mocked the killing of little children at Sandy Hook Elementary School."
"What could they be thinking?" Pelosi said about Republican leaders like Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy giving committee assignments to Greene. "Or is 'thinking' too generous of a word for what they might be doing?"
Pelosi has been far more outspoken on Greene than the White House, which has opted to stay out of chiming in on the controversy of the day. Press secretary Jen Psaki has refused to say Greene's name when responding to questions about the Georgia congresswoman, preferring to keep the focus on policy. "The Biden team is trying to avoid entanglements that can be counterproductive to their agenda," Psaki said.
It is not the first time that President Biden and Pelosi took different messaging paths on a high-profile issue. In August, Pelosi said that she did not think there should be any presidential debates between Biden and then-President Donald Trump, peeving Biden campaign officials who had been fighting for certain debate standards but were clear that they did want Trump and Biden to debate.
The White House, though, could be opting to leave responsible to Greene in the legislative branch rather than butting in on an issue that Biden has no authority over.
Pelosi is far from alone in using Greene in order to target other Republicans. Dozens of Democrats have signed on to a resolution to expel Greene from the conference. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer is reportedly planning to give Republicans an ultimatum, saying that if they do not remove her from committees this week, Democrats will move to do it themselves.
“If we are waiting for Kevin McCarthy to have a moral compass ... that's never going to happen,” Connecticut Democratic Rep. Jahana Hayes told reporters on Monday.
And Greene makes for a prime target for Democratic firebrands willing to engage with her, thus gaining more notoriety themselves. Freshman "Squad" member Missouri Rep. Cori Bush last week announced that she will move Capitol Hill offices to distance herself from Greene after the two got in a confrontation in a Capitol complex hallway over mask-wearing.
Many Republicans are reluctant to take action against Greene or publicly condemn her. Some of her most outrageous statements, such as saying that there was no evidence that a plane actually crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11 and promoting the QAnon conspiracy theory, were made before she was a member of Congress and, in some cases, before she was a candidate. Her comments were made public during the campaign, and she was elected anyway.
That makes her different from former Iowa Rep. Steve King, who was stripped of his committee assignments after he seemed to wonder when "white supremacist" and "white nationalist" became offensive terms. He later lost the primary to be re-nominated for reelection to his seat after his comments sparked several challengers.
But with Greene's congressional fate coming to decision time at the same time as No. 3 House Republican Rep. Liz Cheney's leadership position is being challenged over her vote in favor of impeachment, House Republican lawmakers are in the awkward position of potentially reprimanding a conservative establishment member of their conference while ignoring issues created by a more extreme member.
More moderate Republican commentators are sounding the alarm about the potential consequences of Greene being held as a figurehead for the rest of the party.
"The more that the mainstream media continues to come out and say that all Republicans are birthers and crazy people and we believe in space lasers, then the more it makes traditional Republicans — and there's still a lot of them in the country — go back in their corners," The View host Meghan McCain said Monday. "I would argue this is how we got Trump in the first place."

nazi pelosi - in her quest of Hatred of anything not marxist and AOC - demonizes all conservatives, republicans, and caucasians in her rants.

She is well on her way to destroying representative democracy in america - demonizing all who are not loyal DPST/ccp worshippers of 'minority identity politics"

And when her shock troops of Antfa and OBLM come for nazi pelosi herself as an 'enemy of the state' - she will be stunned - but her storm troopers will be correct - nazi pelosi is an enemy of representative democracy, teh Constitution, and Freedoms of the Bill of Rights in America!!
The hilarious thing about Greene is that they want her gone because of her views, but she's the peoples' representative. They can't just send her away and tell the voters to pick someone they approve of.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-01-2021, 04:41 PM
Maybe Pelosi should just promote people who advocate Greene being shot on the head.

Get our government back to how it orginally was...with dueling.

That would get great ratings!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Maybe Pelosi should just promote people who advocate Greene being shot on the head.

Get our government back to how it orginally was...with dueling.

That would get great ratings! Originally Posted by WTF
Omg. I agree with wtf.

Bring dueling back.
Honestly I would love for dueling to return. Maybe then people would learn to stfu and keep their words to themselves.
  • oeb11
  • 02-02-2021, 07:36 AM
1b1- that is very interesting - and in some ways - cogent and constructive idea.

How would you apply that to nazi Pelosi - who has and does see all Conservatives and Republicans as 'the enemy within"??
How would you apply that to AOC - and her're-education camps' for 100 million and more - conservatives and Republicans???

Or, is this just hypocrisy from a DPST/ccp devotee???
rexdutchman's Avatar
everybody that doesn't comply IS the ENEMY of the socialists , Hm just like what was is name started with a H oh HILTER