So, I get why references are important. I don't debate their usefulness... but it seems like lately, all providers want more than one reference. I personally prefer to be more UTR than that. I review occasionally, and I really only do that to give ladies a chance to view for themselves that I'm legit (and for ROTS access, of course). I'll never, ever sign up for a p411 account... that's far too much personal info to be out there and "verified" ... a certain level of anonymity is key, IMO.
From my perspective, giving a reference not only means I have to potentially "out" a provider to someone I've never met, but it also means that I could be potentially providing LE with an association to someone. In many years in this hobby I've never had to provide references, it's just a "feel each other out first" scenario.
To top it off, I don't hobby *that* often. When I do it's usually with someone I already know. with many providers, studios, etc leaving the scene and many new ones coming on... If I want to see someone new (for variety or b/c of someone becoming unavailable) the only providers I could really provide as references are the ones that I really want to protect the most.
I get that ladies want to be safe, but so do I. And I want to keep my favorite ladies safe. Throwing out personal info does not seem like the best solution. What to do about this?