I'd like to publicly apologize for my comments in chat

They were purely speculative and not based on any facts. I regret my actions. Mods please close this thread. thank you.
pyramider's Avatar
Screw that. Posting taint will guarantee understanding and forgiveness.
Shep3.0's Avatar

You shouldn't get mad at guys because they won't see you. ... ijs
DarthDVader's Avatar
He didnt want to meet me to prove him wrong ... he was scared ... IJS Shep
For the record Im not saying who ...
Its easy to talk s**t behind a computer keyboard when youre not there and not in person IJS again
okay That Hot Nurse, here we go again, so let's do this.

I believe Darth D Vador is That Hot Nurse. If you have ROS you can read the ROS but if you do not you can read all of the comments by Darth D Vador:


After reading the review it sounded to me like a female wrote it. The pictures look like a female snapped the photos and then at the end of the review she writes her name.

The biggest thing that caught my eye was all the bumps by Darth D Vador. After reading it I figured That Hot Nurse is Darth D Vador.

So I go into chat and I start discussing it in chat. We did a vote and 12 people voted yes that they thought she was Darth D Vador and no one voted no. We were discussing the subject.

She was not in chat. We continued to discuss this.

Then she appears in chat. I figure a white knight in chat sent her a text. Then, two minutes later Darth D Vador appears in chat.

That Hot Nurse calls me two names that are not appropriate. She actually called me and Shep3.0 names. Shep3.0 was not even in chat at the time

Then Darth D Vador tells me he wants to meet me. He is talking about me in the thread above. He told me I was scared to meet him. I laugh at his tough remark above. I was not acting tough, I was just stating that I think That Hot Nurse is Darth D Vador and I still do.

They left chat after about 10 minutes.

That Hot Nurse and I have never met. She sent me a pm about 6 months ago wanting to see me, then a few days later she sent me a follow up pm saying she was drunk and didn't mean to pm me. She kept after me and wanted to see me again but I didn't want too, now she says she didn't want to see me, go figure.

Anyways that is the story. I still believe she is Darth D Vador. Even if you do not have ROS you can still read the comments by Darth D Vador that are public in the comments under the review.

I do not know how to conduct a poll but someone needs to conduct a poll on eccie that states "DO YOU THINK DARTH D VADOR IS THAT HOT NURSE?"

FUCK NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!
SLUTS NOT UNITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shep3.0's Avatar
The names she called us were "pedophiles" and "pimps"...

Everything should be in the chat logs.

In actuality, I think she is mad at us because we declined seeing her. I wish I never met her.
DarthDVader's Avatar
Daman, stop speculating and lets meet in person ... Im not afraid
Stop your lousy comments and lies and be a man...
Seriously, in ROS at the end of the review she writes her name? prove it SOB ... I have a snapshot of ROS and what you are saying are lies ... people that can see ROS will search this and find you a lier ...
You dont want to meet because you know i am Darth ...
I left chat because you declined to meet and it was pointless and was a waste of time...
Again like I stated I have the credit card statement that proofs the visit at the Venue and Corset and other Clubs IN MY NAME that night
I respectfully disgree. Mods I ask again please close this thread. Thank u.
Shep3.0's Avatar
They were purely speculative and not based on any facts. I regret my actions. Mods please close this thread. thank you. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I respectfully disgree. Mods I ask again please close this thread. Thank u. Originally Posted by thathottnurse

Do you disagree with your apology? or what do you disagree with?
Shep3.0's Avatar
The names she called us were "pedophile" and "pimps"...

Everything should be in the chat logs.
Originally Posted by Shep3.0
^^^^^^ Did you say in chat while I was not there? Or are 11 people telling me this are liars?

Come on nurse..you got good at posting lately. Please answer.
Have them post the logs. I will not comment other than to say dozens of people including you and damaaaan have seen Darth and myself in the same place at the same time on numerous occasions. I was alerted to accusations about me being made in chat by someone i've never even seen. Darth logged in as well from his laptop at his location after I text him that we are being accused of being the same person. This is all a BUNCH of drama being stirred up for no reason at all except that darth supposedly responded too many times to his review of me. Personally, I think this is one of the most childish things i've ever seen in my life. You people need to get over yourselves and stop letting it consume you. My life or feelings aren't hurt one bit by us never having had a session and even people who haven't met me know I am not like that. This is a simple case of trying to knock down someone who does just fine without your stamp of approval. I hope the mods do post what what said in chat. They have my full permission if they even need it. I made comments not proven so i apologize. That is that. Gee I wonder why this thread isnt closed yet.
Namssa's Avatar
Based on where you two post from.
I would say someone is not being truthful with the members here, DV may not be you but you two are together posting an awful lot, matter of fact his review was posted from your location.

Not closed because the members have a right to ask the question.
Shep3.0's Avatar
Excuse me. I was not involved until you brought my name up with accusations.

What the hell does your argument in chat have to do with me? Keep my damn name out of your mouth and keyboard.
Shep3.0's Avatar
Admit it.....we became pimps and pedophiles when you realized we would NOT see you?

You did the same shit to 5 other male members I know. You turned them off when you came at them TOO strong and aggressive.
Originally posted by Namssa:
Based on where you two post from.
I would say someone is not being truthful with the members here, DV may not be you but you two are together posting an awful lot, matter of fact his review was posted from your location.

Not closed because the members have a right to ask the question.
I knew something was up

FUCK NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!