Best commercial related to fantasy football ever!

SpursFan's Avatar
I still laugh every time this one comes up:

If you are a true fantasy footballer this should appeal to your senses.

Too bad football season is over.

I duno i've always ALWAYS liked this one
That first commercial is dumb and the second one just reinforces that being a 'homer' in FF will get you! lol

I like this one for the personal intros and the volcano skits.
agree BigBudha and nice to see ya back!!..
HAHAH Having the volcano go nova was pure comedy gold.

First year I played FF was back in '06 when the Colts won it. Chose Peyton in the 1st round and ended up winning the league. Won it again back in 2010 on the legs of Arian Foster. Come to think of it so did the another SA guy who won our league last year
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  • Mokoa
  • 02-26-2012, 01:10 PM
Sandbox topic.

Moved to the proper forum.
Spursfan, from a woman who plays fantasy football...I thought that commercial is funny as hell!

Welcome back BigBudha! Loved your video!!
agree BigBudha and nice to see ya back!!.. Originally Posted by dennisrn
Welcome back BigBudha! Loved your video!! Originally Posted by Likinikki
Why thank ya both!