President McCain?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
John McCain out sucks every other member of the US Senate. However,, like Moses, he's deep in De-NILE!

McCain calls bad poll number 'bogus'
By Peter Sullivan

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) called a poll that finds he has a 30 percent job approval in Arizona “bogus” on Monday.

“There is a bogus poll out there,” McCain said on Fox Business’ “Cavuto.” “I can sense the people of my state. When I travel around, which I do constantly, they like me, and I am very grateful.”

McCain did not mention any poll by name, but a poll released last week by Public Policy Polling, a Democratic-leaning group, found that McCain’s 30 percent approval in his home state was the lowest of any senator in the country.
McCain mentioned the poll in the context of saying that he was “seriously considering” running for reelection in 2016, and will make a decision “early next year.”

Asked about running for president again, McCain said, “I’m afraid that it is not a viable option.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) last week called out McCain’s presidential run in 2008, saying “When you don't stand and draw a clear distinction, you don't stand for principal, Democrats celebrate.”

“Look, it's all fair in politics and Senator Cruz, who I have a cordial relationship with, can say what he wants about me,” McCain responded in the interview on “Cavuto.”

Pressed on what “cordial” meant, McCain said, “We are friendly, we really are.”

However, he did get in some criticism of the speakers, who included Cruz, at the Conservative Political Action Conference last week.

“All of these people at the CPAC will claim that they are Reagan Republicans,” McCain said. “Did they forget that Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to three million Americans? Do they forget that he did raise taxes, that he made an agreement with Tip O'Neill on Social Security, that Ronald Reagan said [the] 11th commandment is you don't speak ill of your fellow Republicans?”

In the theme of invoking these compromises, McCain also said raising taxes should be an on the table as part of entitlement reform.

“Look, you have to put everything on the table,” he said when asked if a package could include taxes. “If you don't put everything on the table, then the opposite side says, ‘OK, but we're not going to agree to, say, raising the retirement age.' "
John McCain out sucks every other member of the US Senate. However,, like Moses, he's deep in De-NILE!

McCain calls bad poll number 'bogus'
By Peter Sullivan

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) called a poll that finds he has a 30 percent job approval in Arizona “bogus” on Monday.

“There is a bogus poll out there,” McCain said on Fox Business’ “Cavuto.” “I can sense the people of my state. When I travel around, which I do constantly, they like me, and I am very grateful.”

McCain did not mention any poll by name, but a poll released last week by Public Policy Polling, a Democratic-leaning group, found that McCain’s 30 percent approval in his home state was the lowest of any senator in the country.
McCain mentioned the poll in the context of saying that he was “seriously considering” running for reelection in 2016, and will make a decision “early next year.”

Asked about running for president again, McCain said, “I’m afraid that it is not a viable option.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) last week called out McCain’s presidential run in 2008, saying “When you don't stand and draw a clear distinction, you don't stand for principal, Democrats celebrate.”

“Look, it's all fair in politics and Senator Cruz, who I have a cordial relationship with, can say what he wants about me,” McCain responded in the interview on “Cavuto.”

Pressed on what “cordial” meant, McCain said, “We are friendly, we really are.”

However, he did get in some criticism of the speakers, who included Cruz, at the Conservative Political Action Conference last week.

“All of these people at the CPAC will claim that they are Reagan Republicans,” McCain said. “Did they forget that Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to three million Americans? Do they forget that he did raise taxes, that he made an agreement with Tip O'Neill on Social Security, that Ronald Reagan said [the] 11th commandment is you don't speak ill of your fellow Republicans?”

In the theme of invoking these compromises, McCain also said raising taxes should be an on the table as part of entitlement reform.

“Look, you have to put everything on the table,” he said when asked if a package could include taxes. “If you don't put everything on the table, then the opposite side says, ‘OK, but we're not going to agree to, say, raising the retirement age.' " Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I agree he SUCKS... Is there any one in Democratic party that you think Sucks?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-11-2014, 09:18 PM

“All of these people at the CPAC will claim that they are Reagan Republicans,” McCain said. “Did they forget that Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to three million Americans? Do they forget that he did raise taxes, that he made an agreement with Tip O'Neill on Social Security, that Ronald Reagan said [the] 11th commandment is you don't speak ill of your fellow Republicans?”

In the theme of invoking these compromises, McCain also said raising taxes should be an on the table as part of entitlement reform.

“Look, you have to put everything on the table,” he said when asked if a package could include taxes. “If you don't put everything on the table, then the opposite side says, ‘OK, but we're not going to agree to, say, raising the retirement age.' " Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
This is wtf our Tea Turkeys do not understand.

Reagan raised taxes...

Reagan granted amnesty...

Reagan worked with Democrats!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
FuckZup is doing the democrat thing and only telling half the truth and he even gets that wrong in a cut and paste (that has got to be difficult).

Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million "illegal aliens" and not Americans. Americans don't need amnesty.

Ronald Reagan did raise taxes after the democrats came to him with an offer; if he would raise taxes then they (the democrats) would cut spending $3 to every dollar of tax increase. Afterwards the democrats did nothing to cut spending. They lied again.

What happened when Reagan and O'Neil got together? Nothing. They created a commission and the congress ignored the findings and recommendations. Just like Obama is doing with the Simpson-Bowles commission. One thing you can count on... that you can't count on the democrats to follow through on bipartisan agreements.
Tip, now that FUCKER understood... same as Ronnie.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Uh, JDIdiot, what the fuck did I say or quote about Ron Reagan?

Besotted and beshat again, are ye?

FuckZup is doing the democrat thing and only telling half the truth and he even gets that wrong in a cut and paste (that has got to be difficult).

Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to 3 million "illegal aliens" and not Americans. Americans don't need amnesty.

Ronald Reagan did raise taxes after the democrats came to him with an offer; if he would raise taxes then they (the democrats) would cut spending $3 to every dollar of tax increase. Afterwards the democrats did nothing to cut spending. They lied again.

What happened when Reagan and O'Neil got together? Nothing. They created a commission and the congress ignored the findings and recommendations. Just like Obama is doing with the Simpson-Bowles commission. One thing you can count on... that you can't count on the democrats to follow through on bipartisan agreements. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Here is barleybrains at his best. If a democratic president signs anything he owns it if a republican president signs anything it is the fault of the lawmakers who passed it.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-12-2014, 08:15 AM
McCain has an excellent chance to get in the WhiteHouse ... as long as he rides with Hillary
McCain has an excellent chance to get in the WhiteHouse ... as long as he rides with Hillary Originally Posted by CJ7
That would not shock me one bit. In the name of "unity", the Democrats just might pull a stunt like that. And there are enough gullible people in this Country to fall for it.

I'm still waiting to see how VP Joe Biden feels about being "passed over" by his Party. He has been a loyal lackey, I'm sure he feels it is his turn as the sitting VP. And his Wife, who probably despises Hillary, will be telling just that.

I have always felt that when we start seeing the political ads with the Hidebeast spouting her famous, "what does it matter now", the ads will not be a product of the Republicans, but a production of "it's 'Biden's turn now" crowd.