Re Health care/Great Health Care Benefits Affordable

If you don’t have health insurance and/or you do; these benefits are great! For $49.95 a month; I am getting: vision, dental, chiropractic, prescription, cosmetic and hospital discounts! It helps when the insurance you have won’t cover all or if you don’t have health insurance. That price is also good for the entire family!
You can go to the website for information:
*Look at the benefit under: healthcare tab on the web page for $49.95 which includes the dental! It is the best deal and one I have!
Here is an email for more information as well:
This person will answer your questions and help you if the website won’t. It is pretty cool and huge savings! I am glad I was turned onto it.
Wanted to share……
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-12-2014, 12:48 PM
If you don’t have health insurance and/or you do; these benefits are great! For $49.95 a month; I am getting: vision, dental, chiropractic, prescription, cosmetic and hospital discounts! It helps when the insurance you have won’t cover all or if you don’t have health insurance. That price is also good for the entire family!
You can go to the website for information:
*Look at the benefit under: healthcare tab on the web page for $49.95 which includes the dental! It is the best deal and one I have!
Here is an email for more information as well:
This person will answer your questions and help you if the website won’t. It is pretty cool and huge savings! I am glad I was turned onto it.
Wanted to share…… Originally Posted by MorganM

good for you ... thanks for sharing !
Ameriplan is NOT insurance and it does give you discounts, but with the monthly payment along with the monthly payment you pay for Obamacare, (avg. 300+/month), and you still have co-pays, your best bet is not to have anything and save that money you would have to pay monthly and just pay 100% out of pocket. That is, unless you are sick all the time, need to live in a bubble or you tend to have major dental issues, but if you are going in for routine checkups and physicals then 100% out of pocket is the way to go if you do not have company provided insurance, as neither Ameriplan nor pay for much, if anything, and you still have to pay the monthly bill.
If you don’t have health insurance and/or you do; these benefits are great! For $49.95 a month; I am getting: vision, dental, chiropractic, prescription, cosmetic and hospital discounts! It helps when the insurance you have won’t cover all or if you don’t have health insurance. That price is also good for the entire family!
You can go to the website for information:
*Look at the benefit under: healthcare tab on the web page for $49.95 which includes the dental! It is the best deal and one I have!
Here is an email for more information as well:
This person will answer your questions and help you if the website won’t. It is pretty cool and huge savings! I am glad I was turned onto it.
Wanted to share…… Originally Posted by MorganM

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
good for you ... thanks for sharing ! Originally Posted by CJ7
There's the dutiful Obamaton at work! Posting before thinking! Excellent, CBJ7!

You've already reached your quota for knee jerk ignorant posts this month! You may qualify for the bonus! Another year of free Kool Aid!

There's the dutiful Obamaton at work! Posting before thinking! Excellent, CBJ7!

You've already reached your quota for knee jerk ignorant posts this month! You may qualify for the bonus! Another year of free Kool Aid!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You overran your quota some time back, however it hasn't slowed you down lighten up Curly...
You've already reached your quota for knee jerk ignorant posts this month! You may qualify for the bonus! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Pot meet Kettle!

Hanoi COG, you once again qualify for your annual bonus? Another year of all the jizz you can slurp while inside the men's room at the Salina Bus Station.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ah, yes. The Moron Patrol is busy at work defending their leader!