Stupid democrats on parade...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Sheila Jackson Lee (Tx-D) spoke on the house floor and claimed that the US Constitution was 400 years old....missed it by about 170 years!

Not her first time either; she once said that there are now two Vietnams side by side instead or realizing that there is only one Vietnam now just like there is only one Germany.

Or the time she wanted to know about the manned landing site on Mars. Could the Mars rover just wheel on over there so we could see it?

One incredibly stupid woman and certain people on this site keep voting for her.

Back to the OP: Barack Obama while on Univision was told by a caller that it was difficult for the caller to pay for the new Obamacare policy because he only made about 36,000 a year. Barack the master of the million dollar vacation, told the man that he needed to budget what was important and what was not. The man who has spend more taxpayer money than all the other presidents combined is talking about fiscal responsibility????
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  • WTF
  • 03-13-2014, 07:11 AM
Sheila Jackson Lee is the Democrats answer to Sara Palin. Neither should be in politics or commenting on politics and anybody that listens to these two dumbshits and believing they are good politicians don't know shit about real politics.
1st Shelia Jackson Lee, now Charlie Rangel.....Rangel says the East Harlem building implosion "is our community's 9/11"..............dumb fucks, both !

Think Charlie and his "community" will fund raise off of their 9/11 ?
gfejunkie's Avatar
I'd take Sarah over Sheila any day. At least she's teachable.
Sheila, like all dimocrats, is doomed to be a dumb-ass for the rest of her life.

While we're on the subject of stupid dimocrats, please nominate Biden for 2016.
I plan to do all I can to help you on that.
sarah palin isn't stupid
Sheila Jackson Lee is my Congresswoman. I live in a nice condo on the inner east side.

She has the "big three" down pat. Ugly, Arrogant, and Stupid.

Since the district when I live in is about 75 percent black, she has a job for life. There have been more viable black candidates, but her voting block is too fukin stupid to realize what she is.

When She was elected close to 20 years ago, the 18th District was a real shit hole. And guess what it is after all of her years of representation.
A real shift hole.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-13-2014, 09:49 AM
Sheila Jackson Lee is my Congresswoman. I live in a nice condo on the inner east side.

She has the "big three" down pat. Ugly, Arrogant, and Stupid.

Since the district when I live in is about 75 percent black, she has a job for life. There have been more viable black candidates, but her voting block is too fukin stupid to realize what she is.

When She was elected close to 20 years ago, the 18th District was a real shit hole. And guess what it is after all of her years of representation.
A real shift hole. Originally Posted by Jackie S

yeah, so JD is worried shitless about a Houston Dem .... speaking of incredibly stupid, say hello JD

She has the "big three" down pat. Ugly, Arrogant, and Stupid...

.... Originally Posted by Jackie S
She is also a horrible person to work for. Staffers have long complained about Lee's dismissive, rude, and demeaning attitude towards them. She is known as the Boss From Hell....a despicable person.

Same can't be leveled against Palin...
[QUOTE=JD Barleycorn;1055075719]Sheila Jackson Lee (Tx-D) spoke on the house floor and claimed that the US Constitution was 400 years old....missed it by about 170 years!

Not her first time either; she once said that there are now two Vietnams side by side instead or realizing that there is only one Vietnam now just like there is only one Germany.

Or the time she wanted to know about the manned landing site on Mars. Could the Mars rover just wheel on over there so we could see it?

One incredibly stupid woman and certain people on this site keep voting for her.


She was valedictorian of your class wasn't she?
Maxine Waters makes Lee look like a Rhodes Scholar....and she costs US Taxpayers billions of dollars (she was a senior member of the House Finance Committee who blocked reform of Freddie and Fannie)...

Waters, at a 2004 congressional hearing, (and yes, that is the same “Frank” Raines that vastly overstated Fannie Mae’s earnings in order to receive $90 million in bonuses).

“We do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and particularly Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Frank Raines.”
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
yeah, so JD is worried shitless about a Houston Dem .... speaking of incredibly stupid, say hello JD Originally Posted by CJ7
She is in a leadership position so her "thoughts" and actions have consequences for all of us. Can't you do better than that?

For the record, I lived in Florida when Corrine Brown became my representative. She is corrupt, ugly, and about as stupid as Lee. She is also guaranteed reelection in the district designed just for her. Look up Gerrymandering and then look up her Congressional district.

And for EVA, Brown was my counselor at North Florida State College when I started classes in engineering. She told me that I had to take certain classes to "make me a more well-rounded" person. I told her that I have been to over 30 different countries, attempted to learn five other languages, and had slept with women of all colors. That pissed her off and she became more pissed off when I said that I had to go listen to Rush. Her final defense was that she said so.
She is in a leadership position so her "thoughts" and actions have consequences for all of us. Can't you do better than that?

For the record, I lived in Florida when Corrine Brown became my representative. She is corrupt, ugly, and about as stupid as Lee. She is also guaranteed reelection in the district designed just for her. Look up Gerrymandering and then look up her Congressional district.

And for EVA, Brown was my counselor at North Florida State College when I started classes in engineering. She told me that I had to take certain classes to "make me a more well-rounded" person. I told her that I have been to over 30 different countries, attempted to learn five other languages, and had slept with women of all colors. That pissed her off and she became more pissed off when I said that I had to go listen to Rush. Her final defense was that she said so. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

What I thought you were fucking her and now denying it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Moron. You're as vapid as your avatar.
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  • CJ7
  • 03-13-2014, 02:25 PM
She is in a leadership position so her "thoughts" and actions have consequences for all of us. Can't you do better than that?

For the record, I lived in Florida when Corrine Brown became my representative. She is corrupt, ugly, and about as stupid as Lee. She is also guaranteed reelection in the district designed just for her. Look up Gerrymandering and then look up her Congressional district.

And for EVA, Brown was my counselor at North Florida State College when I started classes in engineering. She told me that I had to take certain classes to "make me a more well-rounded" person. I told her that I have been to over 30 different countries, attempted to learn five other languages, and had slept with women of all colors. That pissed her off and she became more pissed off when I said that I had to go listen to Rush. Her final defense was that she said so. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

so tell me how her thoughts and actions effect your personal life ? ... do you live in inner city Houston ?

you're an idiot
Moron. You're as vapid as your avatar. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Idiot you are as valid as your avatar.