Her condom, or yours

Just wondering what the norm is? I usually bring some with, but in some cases they wanted to only use theirs. I guess I am a little cautious of some no name condom.
Using a cheap/off brand condom....tsk tsk.

I spare no expense when it comes to my safety and health....and the safety and health of my clients.

I will say that most ladies like to use their condoms because they know what works best for bodies AKA allergic to latex, etc.....and also, there are some sick guys out there who want to use their condoms because they have tampered with it. In other words, the condom will break VERY easy during the act, come off and BAM.....you're barebacking and that's what he wanted all the long and that was his way of getting it because the lady said no initially.

My suggestion is to take your own if you really want to be comfortable. You can always ask her if you can use yours, but, don't take offense if she wants to use her own.
Mine. Always. No exceptions. Ever.

You'll find I have a large selection / assortment, I may even have what my partner may have brought along - but, they (my condoms) have been in my custody and control and I have paid close attention to their proper storage (avoiding having been stored in extreme heat or cold) and the expiration date (yes, they have one). None of mine have been in a wallet or my back pocket for a few months . . . bottom line, a professional lady will have more than enough from which you may choose or she may have a non-latex preference that suits her best that she has found to be acceptable for most men (and she'll have various sizes too, both larger and smaller).

I agree 100% with Elena.


- Jackie
+1 Always use mine
Brasky's Avatar
Thanks for the info ladies! I always bring some just in case. Be prepared like a Boy Scout! However, the ladies have always had their own, excect a couple times and it was a repeat provider, so no biggie either way.
Jackie, Ah yes, the old high school rubber in the wallet, then guys wonder why gals get pregnant. LOL

I have always expected the lady to provide a condom, as they are much more sensitive to taste on a CBJ and also that other area, so let them provide what is best for them and the lubes they might also like or need.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I don't mind a ladies' condom (I usually bring my own), but please have an assortment. Trojans stink, and there are other brands that are just too thick. Flavored condoms are made for cbj's and are too thick for good sensitivity during sex. Keep lube close by. Any asshat that tampers with a condom just to get it to break is a moron. That's just.....stupid.
My brand is Crown Skinless Skins. Very natural looking (pinkish) and very sensitive. I do bring mine as a courtesy but if my companion wishes to use her own that is fine too (differing to Jackie's preference). I do order on-line from a place that offers discounts about once a month and has good prices even without the discount. Right now they are offering 12% an order (for Mother's day? ).

And Happy Mom's Day to the moms on the board here!