Kanye's Not Alone: Blacks Are Deserting the Dems

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Today’s @realDonaldTrump approval ratings among black voters: 35%.

Somebody isn't buying it -- and it's not just Kanye West. If this number grows just a little bit, the Democratic Party is in deep trouble. The party relies for its electoral power on overwhelming support from African-Americans, a dependency in itself inherently racist and suffused with reactionary identity politics. Without the black vote, the Dems might as well rename themselves the Celluloid Party and run Hollywood agents for mayor of Malibu. It'll be their best chance for success.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
here's another one!

This ones from an immigrant who was on the fence about voting when she becomes a citizen.


The party that established itself as a champion for the voiceless, powerless, and wrongfully accused, betrayed its values and launched a vicious attack on Kavanaugh that left him voiceless, powerless, and completely incapable of defending himself. Against all logic and good faith, they released uncorroborated allegations of sexual misconduct to the public, counting on the backdrop of the Me Too movement to make them that much harder to criticize or ignore. I still cannot reconcile these actions with the social and criminal justice reform platforms that Democrats campaign on.
winn dixie's Avatar
This will be a number to study after these mid-terms.. For sure......
If Trump can convince minorities that the prosperity of the Republican party is better for everyone, he may save the country.
GOOD. About time the minorities wised up and left the dems!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
If he can get 20 - 25% of the black vote, it will be enough.

I think right now its 10-12%. there have been a lot of swings within that percentage.
it's more like blacks are abandoning Kanye....his music sucks along with his antics