Build a Better Mouse Trap And The World Will Beat A Path To your Door: "Vaccines"?

ICU 812's Avatar
Full disclosure: I am in a high-risk group due to age. I have had three shots. It is as good as I can do for me at this point in my life. It is the prudent thing for me to do.

Now then. If the "vaccines" were all that good, and Covid19 was as universally bad as they say it is, there would be no need for mandates or Vax passports etc. If the shots actually kept people from getting sick or carrying the germ, everyone would demand the right to get the shots. If Covid19 was a serious illness to the young and fit as a it is to the old and overweight (and it IS a serious illness to them), everyone would want to get the shots.

: The shots do not prevent infection. tThey are effectively a pre-treatment that keeps an infected person from becoming deathly ill, most of the time. Covid19 does not affect the young and fit as strongly as the old and infirm (who may be in grave danger from it).

With that said, there is a real potential for complications from the shots later on in life. Iit is no wonder that many folks are hesitant (resistant) to get the shots themselves or make their children get them.
  • Tiny
  • 12-21-2021, 08:30 PM
The shots do prevent infection, just not as well as we'd like, particularly if a good bit of time has passed since you were fully vaccinated and you never got a booster.

If you look at this as a numbers game, almost all adults are better off getting the shots. Yeah, there's a remote chance a 30 year old could get myocarditis or blood clots from the vaccine. But the chances of getting either, along with a lot of other ailments, from the disease are much higher.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... It is as good as I can do for me at this point in my life. It is the prudent thing for me to do... Originally Posted by ICU 812
Couple additional options to consider:
I-Mask+ Protocol
Zelenko Protocol (Z Stack)
Math+ Protocol (a little harder to find the link these days)
The up shot is, even if you are vaxxed, the above is compatible and an extra layer of defense.

Walk the time line of the mRNA vaxes. It is pretty creepy is all I'm saying. Oh, also look at VAERs data. Super extra creepy.

... Then there's the idea that they are out now pushing BOOSTERS
quicker than Jack-the-Lad.

Kinda makes you wonder... Just sayin' ...

.... President Trump said it right the first time:
"Co-vid is just something we're gonna need to learn to live-with."

He also said - "Check with your doctor and see about getting vaxed."

#### Salty
Couple additional options to consider:
I-Mask+ Protocol
Zelenko Protocol (Z Stack)
Math+ Protocol (a little harder to find the link these days)
The up shot is, even if you are vaxxed, the above is compatible and an extra layer of defense.

Walk the time line of the mRNA vaxes. It is pretty creepy is all I'm saying. Oh, also look at VAERs data. Super extra creepy.

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

More like someone add a + to my purchase also refer to as ADD ON TO ROB A SNAP ON
... Then there's the idea that they are out now pushing BOOSTERS
quicker than Jack-the-Lad.

Kinda makes you wonder... Just sayin' ...

.... President Trump said it right the first time:
"Co-vid is just something we're gonna need to learn to live-with."

He also said - "Check with your doctor and see about getting vaxed."

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Stargate Atlantis beginning Iraq Vet. don't touch anything/rob anything Captain Chair.
ICU 812's Avatar
From the get-go, I have always wondered why there was not as strong an effort to work on the therapeutic treatment of infected patients as there was on a 'vaccine". A two-path approach to fighting our way through this as a society would make sense.

I am not an anti-vax guy as my OP shows. I just wish they had gone after figuring out
a treatment options with as much aggressive action as they did to develop the shots

And now that we know the shots are less effective than we initially thought (by a LOT), why aren't they now working on a really good preventive shot. Maybe using some other approach than gene therapy mRNA technology?
ICU 812's Avatar
Back in March of 2021, if we then knew then that the shots did not actually prevent getting infected and developing symptoms, would we all have lined up in the cold to get stuck twice?

I probably would have. But then, if we knew that these less effective shots would decline in effectiveness over just a few months . . . would we still get jabbed? I might have, but now, having had three shots, I am skeptical of getting a fourth if it comes to that.

I think politicians on both ends of the spectrum actually want everyone to be healthy. I do not think that the experts advising both President Trump and President Biden have been honest in their recommendations or in their efforts to control this pandemic.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
A scientific recommendation is rarely understood by anyone outside that particular field.
And btw, it's quite difficult for a scientist to convert that to street talk without losing the key aspects.

Medical stuff
Economic stuff
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-22-2021, 05:53 AM
A guy who is able to break down the scientific to the practical for me has been this guy. He has been spot on.

Former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb
Full disclosure: I am in a high-risk group due to age. I have had three shots. It is as good as I can do for me at this point in my life. It is the prudent thing for me to do.

Now then. If the "vaccines" were all that good, and Covid19 was as universally bad as they say it is, there would be no need for mandates or Vax passports etc. If the shots actually kept people from getting sick or carrying the germ, everyone would demand the right to get the shots. If Covid19 was a serious illness to the young and fit as a it is to the old and overweight (and it IS a serious illness to them), everyone would want to get the shots.

: The shots do not prevent infection. tThey are effectively a pre-treatment that keeps an infected person from becoming deathly ill, most of the time. Covid19 does not affect the young and fit as strongly as the old and infirm (who may be in grave danger from it).

With that said, there is a real potential for complications from the shots later on in life. Iit is no wonder that many folks are hesitant (resistant) to get the shots themselves or make their children get them. Originally Posted by ICU 812
You HF and others keep spewing false information. You are 80% or so less likely to get infected when vaccinated and 90% less likely to get seriously ill. Stop saying shit you read from the likes of Bambino and Rex and other folks that don’t know what they are talking about. Read the million threads on here that point out that the false narrative that vaccines don’t prevent infection is false, incorrect, stupid, ignorant, etc.

If your underlying premise is wrong, the rest of your argument is just as wrong.
winn dixie's Avatar
Nothing in ICU's post is wrong!

So wheres the beef 1b1?
winn dixie's Avatar
fauxi has been and is public enemy number one on this issue.

After being caught with his hands in the cookie jar, all his lies and his easily debunked propaganda. How has this guy avoided being hung or the chair! fauxi reminds me of an ignorant Goebbels!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
More like someone add a + to my purchase also refer to as ADD ON TO ROB A SNAP ON Originally Posted by lolhahaha

I recognize the words as English, but the sentence construct seems to be from another planet.

Is it in our solar system?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I recognize the words as English, but the sentence construct seems to be from another planet.

Is it in our solar system? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

That's the shtick. Some of us are really out there.