trump caught in yet another lie

So the fat, orange cunt was caught on tape bragging about keeping the classified documents, basically contradicting everything he has said in public to this point... not that his cult will waver at all in their support, but it will be funny watching them scramble to make up all new lies to cover this story up for a week or two 🤣 and yes, special counsel Jack Smith has a copy
Not surprising. Pathological liars can't help themselves.
Not surprising. Pathological liars can't help themselves. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
I just wish his cult members would come clean about all this. It's truly embarrassing trying to have a conversation with these people. Just overheard two trump losers at the grocery store, one said "I have a brother who won't talk to me anymore". Gee, I wonder why?
So the fat, orange cunt was caught on tape bragging about keeping the classified documents, basically contradicting everything he has said in public to this point... not that his cult will waver at all in their support, but it will be funny watching them scramble to make up all new lies to cover this story up for a week or two 🤣 and yes, special counsel Jack Smith has a copy Originally Posted by tommy156
... So?

... Trump can discuss whatever He wants.

Be it "classified documents" or WINNING in 2024!

### Salty
... So?

... Trump can discuss whatever He wants.

Be it "classified documents" or WINNING in 2024!

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Are you ok with his blatant lies about his handling of classified documents?
... I don't believe He's lying. ... He was the President
and can De-Classify whatever He wants.

So I'm surely okay with Trump's handling and storage
of the documents. ... ALL under lock and key in a

Not sloppily kept at this office or that office - or in a
university office surely shared WITH CHINA.
And just strewn-about in His garridge. ... Where ANYBODY can take them.

#### Salty
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I’ll take shit that never happened (like all the other lame attempts that were fabricated) for $1000, Alex.
Shit never happened, huh? It's on tape. And he's clear about the fact that he "shouldn't be talking about this stuff". Shows willful disregard for the office of the presidency and the American people at large.

He's a liar, a thief and a traitor, among many other things.
chizzy's Avatar
Shit never happened, huh? It's on tape. And he's clear about the fact that he "shouldn't be talking about this stuff". Shows willful disregard for the office of the presidency and the American people at large.

He's a liar, a thief and a traitor, among many other things. Originally Posted by tommy156
Don't be so hard on Biden tommy
... I don't believe He's lying. ... He was the President and can De-Classify whatever He wants. Originally Posted by Salty Again
Sure, if he goes through the proper processes. He didn't. He lied about everything. He's also turning his lawyers into witnesses by pulling this shit. Hilarious, but that's what they get for trying to defend the indefensible.
Don't be so hard on Biden tommy Originally Posted by chizzy
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Shit never happened, huh? It's on tape. And he's clear about the fact that he "shouldn't be talking about this stuff". Shows willful disregard for the office of the presidency and the American people at large.

He's a liar, a thief and a traitor, among many other things. Originally Posted by tommy156
Yeah, and he colluded with Russians to steal the election. Where’s the tape? Put up or shut up.
Lol. The special counsel has the tape. That's all you need to know for the time being. It will all be coming down on donnie boy soon enough, then we will all hear it.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Heard that one before, lost count after the first thousand times.

Lol. The special counsel has the tape. That's all you need to know for the time being. It will all be coming down on donnie boy soon enough, then we will all hear it. Originally Posted by tommy156
... Don't you find it interesting that the special counsel
is always "leaking things" to the media - instead of
just talking straight?

Same-way they leaked about "Trump/Russia collusion" and
The Hunter laptop being "lies and Russian dis-information"...

... Glad to see the liberal media is still able to surely
feed it to you, mate... And keep you so mis-informed.

### Salty