Straight from the looters and their victims

We’ve got no other way of showing people how angry we are,” he said.
At least this guy was honest in the anger part of it all.

We’re doing it because we can
We are just trying to provide and take up the opportunity that we are getting right now. That’s all.
Get my portion! Get my portion!
These guys seem to be in it just for what they can get.

But soon after looters ripped apart wooden boards and broke through the glass at the store, destroying it within 45 minutes. The pipes, hookahs, souvenirs, T-shirts and snacks inside couldn't be salvaged, even though some were left behind.

His father, a Guatemalan immigrant who swept floors and did construction work for decades before saving enough money to open the store three years ago, lost $20,000 worth of merchandise.

The family of activists had put a "Justice For George Floyd" sign in the window of the store before it was ransacked.

“I’m just very angry at the fact that we are a minority-owned business and we stand so much with the movement," Perez said. “It destroyed my trust in the world for that day."
Poor guy has his business destroyed by his own. Sad.

Joe Green, owner of Broadway Wine and Spirits in Santa Monica, said he was lucky that his family-owned store experienced only one broken window. Green fended off looters, aided by his customers and neighbors. When he called the police, he said he was told that no one was coming.

“I think there needs to be stiffer penalties. You have to pay for your actions," said Green, noting that businesses have already been struggling because of the pandemic.

"Peaceful protesting is great. But rioting and looting and vandalizing? No. Burning businesses down? That’s not the answer.”
Good for this guy and bravo to his customers and neighbors for taking positive action against the looters.

And the last part of his quote reflects the feelings of many of us both on this forum and elsewhere. Those types of actions are not the answer here. But both here and elsewhere we are called racists for expressing those beliefs. Fucking ridiculous.

The looters were mostly young and male, some of them teenagers and a few of them middle-aged. There were some women in the group, which was mostly black and Latino.
So for the usual suspects, is this racist to call out the breakdown of the looters?

One of the looters was questioned on the spot by a friend of one of the merchants: Why was everyone out looting?

As the camera rolled, the young man — dressed in a hoodie, with a black mask wrapped around the lower half of his face — spoke of long-simmering frustrations, of white people plundering the black community and appropriating their success.

“We’re tired of being killed," he said. "We’re tired of laws being passed while they put drugs and guns in our community. They pass laws to lock us up."

Asked if he was among the demonstrators peacefully protesting earlier in the day, he dismissed the idea.

“Protesting peacefully? We did that in the '60s. That didn’t get us nowhere.”
At least another relatively honest answer stemming from anger and frustration, but flies in the face of those trying to have peaceful protests and those trying to calm the situations down peacefully.
  • oeb11
  • 06-06-2020, 09:03 AM
And Who - might i ask - is "They" - and what laws are passed tht specific "Locking Up the black community" ????
Who is "They" that "brings guns nd drugs into the "Black community"????

:They" sure as hell ain't Captain kangaroo.
what the hell is this current "peaceful" protest?

that term is a fake construct

its merely political

this anti americanism has its finally found a hook in the terrible death of george floyd and its exploiting it for all its worth

all this is part of the attempt to destroy America, destroy capitalism, destroy a republican form of government

blm is based on the monstrous lie of michael brown hands up don't shoot

blm is a racist organization
what the hell is this current "peaceful" protest?

that term is a fake construct

its merely political

this anti americanism has its finally found a hook in the terrible death of george floyd and its exploiting it for all its worth

all this is part of the attempt to destroy America, destroy capitalism, destroy a republican form of government

blm is based on the monstrous lie of michael brown hands up don't shoot

blm is a racist organization Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I agree with everything you say with the exception of there are more protestor's wanting to make this "peaceful", than those that do not.

But there are far too many going beyond peaceful for either their own reasons or just getting sucked into the looting and rioting.

The political driver of this has become to strong to be ignored.
what the hell is this current "peaceful" protest?

that term is a fake construct

its merely political

this anti americanism has its finally found a hook in the terrible death of george floyd and its exploiting it for all its worth

all this is part of the attempt to destroy America, destroy capitalism, destroy a republican form of government

blm is based on the monstrous lie of michael brown hands up don't shoot

blm is a racist organization Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Was it anti-American when the colonials threw tea in the bay to protest the British Government’s over reach? Loyalists aren’t American and neither are you. Protesting against Government is pro-capitalism. You sound like a model Chinese citizen critisizing the Hong Kong citizens for protesting against their government.
winn dixie's Avatar
Was it anti-American when the colonials threw tea in the bay to protest the British Government’s over reach? Loyalists aren’t American and neither are you. Protesting against Government is pro-capitalism. You sound like a model Chinese citizen critisizing the Hong Kong citizens for protesting against their government. Originally Posted by redpartyhat
red panty liner.... There is a big difference in dumping tea and destroying the businesses in their own neighborhood!
Good God man!
Hotrod511's Avatar
Was it anti-American when the colonials threw tea in the bay to protest the British Government’s over reach? Loyalists aren’t American and neither are you. Protesting against Government is pro-capitalism. You sound like a model Chinese citizen critisizing the Hong Kong citizens for protesting against their government. Originally Posted by redpartyhat moron
red panty liner the historian
red panty liner.... There is a big difference in dumping tea and destroying the businesses in their own neighborhood!
Good God man! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Coming from someone who told me to move to China after I defended the First Amendment of the Constitution, your opinion is completely worthless.

red panty liner the historian
Yes sir, history is important. I trust facts, not too sure what you trust though.
winn dixie's Avatar
Someone needs sweepy time
what the hell is this current "peaceful" protest?

that term is a fake construct

its merely political

this anti americanism has its finally found a hook in the terrible death of george floyd and its exploiting it for all its worth

all this is part of the attempt to destroy America, destroy capitalism, destroy a republican form of government

blm is based on the monstrous lie of michael brown hands up don't shoot

blm is a racist organization Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

It's a mob, not a protest. Have asked many times in many threads "what they want." No specifics. It's obvious they want "anarchy" but the media is too chickenshit to call it out.

I agree with everything you say with the exception of there are more protestor's wanting to make this "peaceful", than those that do not.

But there are far too many going beyond peaceful for either their own reasons or just getting sucked into the looting and rioting.

The political driver of this has become to strong to be ignored. Originally Posted by eccielover
I've seen some peaceful protesters call out mob members. Some have had success. Most are dismissed and the looting and rioting continues.

The "protestors" are providing cover. The media is deluded to portray otherwise.
gfejunkie's Avatar
I still don't understand why everyone is ignoring the giant gorilla in the room.

It has absolutely nothing to do with George Floyd anymore. The guilty have already been incarcerated.

The left is having a temper tantrum because they've failed to get rid of Donald Trump.

Plain and simple.
Ripmany's Avatar
I thought the looters were the victims
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I thought the looters were the victims Originally Posted by Ripmany

the victims of the looters are the victims
the victims of the looters are the victims Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yes, exactly as was discussed in the OP I put up.

The poor family businessman, who along with his family, were sympathetic to the protestors to point of displaying the sympathies in their store window and whose son had even joined with the protests.

All only to have the bad element of the looters simply sweep through his store taking or destroying 20K worth of inventory.

He(and many many other local small businesses in these areas) are having a hard time reconciling the looters destroying their businesses as somehow being the victims.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The left is having a temper tantrum because they've failed to get rid of Donald Trump.

Plain and simple. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Truth. Fact of the matter is that, on average, the number of innocent blacks who have died at the hands of police has been cut in half under President Trump. Let’s not let facts muck up the works though.