I think it's funny when hobbyist try to tell me how to run my business..🤠

Especially hobbyists I've never met.

I'm scamming Allright

It is entirely possible that the dude got scammed via a deposit then ghosted... And if it happens 2+ times then you need to understand their reluctance to do the deposit.

Especially if its their 1st time seeing you.. both of you are unknowns to each other.. but you have your rules, they have theirs.

life works that way
Possibly Ghostrideryyz, however I find it ridiculous for them to waste their time & mine knowing how much I enforce deposit only visits & also as a member here for several years I've never cheated anyone with a deposit or their $ and I wanted to post this to let him or her or whoever that was that texting me bullshit like that just gets your number added to timewaster list..not only with me but with a few or all the ladies in ladies locker room.

Guys if you already know a provider requires a deposit & you do not feel comfortable with deposits then please do not contact her and waste her time calling her a scammer .
  • pxmcc
  • 08-10-2022, 10:56 PM
Venus, as one business owner to another, you do you. i learned long ago that not all clients are worth the hassle. "if you don't like my terms and conditions, please take your business elsewhere.." i've stuck by that, and am all the happier for it.
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  • bbkid
  • 08-11-2022, 02:52 PM
Yep. Venus, run your business the way you want. To hell with customers / clients who don't want to do it your way.

I've owned my own business for 40 years and get along with MOST of my customers. Like I always say to folks who try and tell me how to run my business - "I may not be running this business right, but after this many years, I'm damn sure not running it wrong".
I don't like deposits either, so good luck with your business and more power to ya :-)
I probably would not like Deposits either if I was the hobbyist .
Being a provider it is very important requesting and only scheduling with appointments unless your fine with a 2pm canceling last minute and not upset about rushing to get yourself together as far as the incall location being clean, make up on and canceling everything to make sure you are ready for this 2pm that does not show up. Let's forget about the gas it cost to get to your incall and ugh having to put on false eyelashes or get dolled up just for nothing.
Alot of providers like not wearing makeup unless we be working..

This Jackass sent me more messages this morning DUDE I'm posting your phone number in the ladies locker room and if you keep it up in the Gay Forums begging men to cum use your ass lol
Thank you BBkid your advice is good advice Sexy.
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Maybe they could enlighten you on how not to get banned...again. JS