ST James info

Was here late Friday night and my waitress was telling me new stuff going on next yr from what she's heard.

New cover charge 10 for Vip, 20 for non members Next Yr 2023
All food and drink prices to go up even more expect 5-7 Dollars more than what you pay now
Possibly closed or reduced hours on Sundays 6pm-2am type of hrs..
  • r66
  • 09-05-2022, 03:43 PM
Bummer - but as long as dances don't see the same increases :-).

And as we are talking about strip club changes, the owners of Chica Loca's on 59 have installed cameras throughout the place, including in the back dance areas. Apparently, lot of issues at night with dancers pick pocketing customers and stealing phones, at least according to my long-time ATF there.