observation on media coverage of politicians

I've noticed a trend in news regarding politicians. Whenever a Democrat is involved in a scandal, the media doesn't list that person's political affiliation. Whenever a Republican is involved in a scandal, the media lists their political affiliation several times in the article.

Case in point - here is an article about a Representative from CT regarding a lewd comment he made to a 17 year old student. There is NO mention in the article that he is a Democrat. Had he been a Republican that fact would have been plaster all over the article and in the headline. Can you say biased media?

I've noticed a trend in news regarding politicians. Whenever a Democrat is involved in a scandal, the media doesn't list that person's political affiliation. Whenever a Republican is involved in a scandal, the media lists their political affiliation several times in the article.

Case in point - here is an article about a Representative from CT regarding a lewd comment he made to a 17 year old student. There is NO mention in the article that he is a Democrat. Had he been a Republican that fact would have been plaster all over the article and in the headline. Can you say biased media?

http://news.yahoo.com/lawmaker-apolo...-politics.html Originally Posted by satexasguy
I did not read your article but it would seem to me that if you were trying to be unbiased you would have also linked an article where the media "plastered" Republican "all over the article and in the headline," as you claimed.

Quite frankly, it does not appear that trying to lend the outward appearance of being unbiased was very high on your list of priorities. It came across as much more of a 'rant' to me.

Just sayin'
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Since you brought it up (and you have brought it up many times) Larry Craig and Mark Foley.
joe bloe's Avatar
It's no longer just media bias; they've been biased for decades. Now they've become full blown propagandists. MSNBC may be the worst of the worst. They just hired David Axelrod and Robert Gibbs. Main stream media is the modern day equivalent of Pravda.
IMain stream media is the modern day equivalent of Pravda. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I wouldn't call FAUX and Breitbart Pravda, but I will concede they are close.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
ABC hired Skippy Steponallofus (husband of Victoria Wentworth), Andrea Mitchell (Mrs. Allen Greenspan), Christiane Amanpour (wife of James Rubin), and Cokie Roberts (daughter of Congressman Lindsey Boggs).
cptjohnstone's Avatar
ABC hired Skippy Steponallofus (husband of Victoria Wentworth), Andrea Mitchell (Mrs. Allen Greenspan), Christiane Amanpour (wife of James Rubin), and Cokie Roberts (daughter of Congressman Lindsey Boggs). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
and NBC hired Chelsea Clinton
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I did not read your article but it would seem to me that if you were trying to be unbiased you would have also linked an article where the media "plastered" Republican "all over the article and in the headline," as you claimed.

Quite frankly, it does not appear that trying to lend the outward appearance of being unbiased was very high on your list of priorities. It came across as much more of a 'rant' to me.

Just sayin' Originally Posted by bigtex
If you're not going to read the article anyway, why should he care what you have to say? SYWM!!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
This is typical of almost all of the MSM, protect their own.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 03-03-2013, 06:06 AM
I'm more worried about the uninformed voting.
Isn't FOX the most popular news station? And doesn't Rush Limbaugh have the most popular radio show in the world? At what point are you idiots going to stop crying about what you refer to as the main stream media and blaming it on your faulty and unpopular ideology and political failures? You lose elections because your message and ideas suck, and because your message and ideas are consistently presented by old cranky white men. You can blame the media delivery system if you like, but it's a crying game that grows old, especially with the media now, and for many years, having been inundated with right wing conservative outlets who, like Fox, are nothing more than the propaganda arm of the GOP. You come on here and you cry about MSNBC being biased while you completely ignore the fact that MSNBC was a reaction to and exists because of FOX News. You can't have it both ways boys.

The truly amusing thing about the MSM media myth is that by promulgating it, you miss the point that you need to change and you enable yourselves to continue down the same road you've been traveling. Blaming everybody but yourselves. Meaning the stupid shit you've been doing the past decade or so will continue. And democrats will keep winning national elections, especially with the demographics trending the way they will be for the next 20 years.
If you're not going to read the article anyway, why should he care what you have to say? SYWM!! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It's the thought behind the statement that counts. Not whether I read the article. Had I taken the time to read it, i can say with 100% certainty that my reaction would have been the same.

While on the subject, (of thoughts) we are still waiting for StupidOldLyingFart to experience his first meaningful thought. Please let us know when it occurs. We certainly would not want to miss the grand event!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
First, Oden, your avatar is showing THOR and maybe it wasn't available but it is spelled O-D-I-N

Second....Timmy! Let me say that you may be on to something. Maybe FOX is the network for conservatives despite all the non-conservatives reading the news and MSNBC is the network for liberals because of ALL the liberals reading the news. That seems fair. One for them and one for you. What about ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and Comedy Central (did you think I had forgotten Jon Stewart?) Wait! Now it doesn't seem fair anymore. Really one sided. I'm trying to think of a Fox news person married to a politician and I can't. So we have to disregard the Rather Report and the fake documents, Skippy's save of Obama's faith, Skippy's work on the Clinton campaign, Matthews piss shiver over Obama, Ed Schultz's slut comments about Laura Ingraham, Maddow's editing hatchet job, Couric's editing hatchet job, Gumbels on air slurs, etc. Of course you can come up with a youtube video that claims to have dozens of instances of Fox news but shows only one. It isn't even clear that Fox news did what the video claimed. Got something really good?
First, Oden, your avatar is showing THOR and maybe it wasn't available but it is spelled O-D-I-N

Second....Timmy! Let me say that you may be on to something. Maybe FOX is the network for conservatives despite all the non-conservatives reading the news and MSNBC is the network for liberals because of ALL the liberals reading the news. That seems fair. One for them and one for you. What about ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and Comedy Central (did you think I had forgotten Jon Stewart?) Wait! Now it doesn't seem fair anymore. Really one sided. I'm trying to think of a Fox news person married to a politician and I can't. So we have to disregard the Rather Report and the fake documents, Skippy's save of Obama's faith, Skippy's work on the Clinton campaign, Matthews piss shiver over Obama, Ed Schultz's slut comments about Laura Ingraham, Maddow's editing hatchet job, Couric's editing hatchet job, Gumbels on air slurs, etc. Of course you can come up with a youtube video that claims to have dozens of instances of Fox news but shows only one. It isn't even clear that Fox news did what the video claimed. Got something really good? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yeah, took me ten seconds worth of google searching to completely fuck your shit up the last time you posted up on this nonsense.

Nothing has changed. You're an idiot and there are news outlets on both sides of the fence. The difference is that: (1) you guys started it; and (2) you're a bunch of fucking crybaby-ass bitches when somebody uses the same tactics against you.

Fuck you...and the horse you rode in on.
JCM800's Avatar
First, Oden, your avatar is showing THOR and maybe it wasn't available but it is spelled O-D-I-N Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn