
playwithkate's Avatar
First thing this morning I received lying threats and abuse from some one threatening to say things about me on the men's board where I can't see them. Claiming things about me he conveniently can't prove, but I think he should prove (because he can't). This has never happened to me before. I think it is cowardly, nasty abuse to act like this when people defend themselves. Pathetic and disgusting.

Most men I have met here are wonderful and have exemplary manners. I hope if someone is friends with someone that vile they let me know about it. I can't imagine that many here are.
I will let you know if I see anything there. I have never had the pleasure, but your reviews speak for themselves.
What's the handle on the member who told you about something being said about you in the men's lounge?
I will let you know if I see anything there. Originally Posted by NolaBrah
That's Very Nice of you
I will let you know if I see anything there. Originally Posted by NolaBrah
Her threAD is a trap. If someone is gonna say something negative about her why would he rush to tell her? She will already know who said it because he already told her beforehand. If it's worth the ban please help her out and tell her everything that's going on in there.

(sorry NolaBrah that you fell into her attention whore delusional trap. smh)
I will let you know if I see anything there. I have never had the pleasure, but your reviews speak for themselves. Originally Posted by NolaBrah
I am curious...wouldn't this violate the site agreements of disclosing information in that restricted access area and risk him getting banned?
wouldn't this violate the site agreements of disclosing information in that restricted access area and risk him getting banned? Originally Posted by Galadan
Yes. Everyone can now see how kate plays. NolaBrah fell into her trap.
Didn't say I would disclose anything, I just said I would let her know if I see anything! Calm down people.
turbo-dog's Avatar
I will let you know if I see anything there. I have never had the pleasure, but your reviews speak for themselves. Originally Posted by NolaBrah
So you're going to blatantly break eccie rules for a provider you haven't even met?
We all know you ladies have guys that show you ROS, show you men's lounge. Nolabrah, you just exposed yourself, P is right you fell right into her trap. Never discuss anything in men's lounge, ANYTHING! It is a private area although we all know weak ass wimpy men try to gain favor with a lady by showing her or telling her. No favor ever gained just integrity lost. Then she just thinks you are a pussy, so you become even less attractive to her, lol. Some men never do think with the bigger head.
Lying threats and ABUSE seems pretty serious. No lady should be receiving either. I will never disclose anything from a private forum, never said I would. Like a previous poster said, I'm sure she already has someone to show her the ROS.
I will never disclose anything from a private forum, never said I would. Originally Posted by NolaBrah
Well I believe you said it right Here......
I will let you know if I see anything there. Originally Posted by NolaBrah
So if I told her yeah there is a post without saying what's in the Post, I would have broke a rule?
So if I told her yeah there is a post without saying what's in the Post, I would have broke a rule? Originally Posted by NolaBrah
You telling her ANYTHING that's in there is breaking the rules.... Just like we can't say anything about anything that's in the lady's area
Then Kate, I would suggest a swift kick to the balls and run for your life