The two systems of justice exposed

berryberry's Avatar
One that unfairly prosecutes conservatives
One that let's leftist assholes walk free

Now it has been exposed by a Federal Court

Federal Court: D.C. ‘Selectively’ Enforced Law to Arrest Pro-Lifers but Not BLM Protesters

A federal appeals court delivered a major free speech victory on Tuesday, ruling that Washington, D.C., officials “selectively” enforced a statute to arrest pro-life activists but not Black Lives Matter protesters in 2020.
DNinja69's Avatar
Incorrect. Actually fake news for the OP the appeals court found the argument 'plausible' which means the case can move forward so no indication yet of outcome. The original case was dismissed, and this ruling overturns that so it may proceed and be heard. Good decision I believe this needs to see the light of day in a courtroom.

Judge Neomi Rao (Trump appointee) has this to say:

However, the appellate court said that what actually matters is that some individuals were arrested and some were not, even if both violated the defacement ordinance that summer. “Selective enforcement claims must clear a high hurdle,” Rao wrote.

I think both sides should get to write their message so long as it is done peacefully though I cannot defend the continued assertions by some on the right that comes from phrases like 'Black Pre-Born Lives Matter' as it reads racist to my eyes. That does not disqualify it from being allowable, just won't get my endorsement.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Wanting to save black babies is racist? If that’s true, saying ‘kill black babies’ would have to not be racist, amirite? Can’t put my finger on it, but something about that seems off.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 08-17-2023, 11:46 AM
Incorrect. Actually fake news for the OP the appeals court found the argument 'plausible' which means the case can move forward so no indication yet of outcome. The original case was dismissed, and this ruling overturns that so it may proceed and be heard. Good decision I believe this needs to see the light of day in a courtroom.

Judge Neomi Rao (Trump appointee) has this to say:

However, the appellate court said that what actually matters is that some individuals were arrested and some were not, even if both violated the defacement ordinance that summer. “Selective enforcement claims must clear a high hurdle,” Rao wrote.

I think both sides should get to write their message so long as it is done peacefully though I cannot defend the continued assertions by some on the right that comes from phrases like 'Black Pre-Born Lives Matter' as it reads racist to my eyes. That does not disqualify it from being allowable, just won't get my endorsement. Originally Posted by DNinja69
I read a statistic, that, since Roe, there have been as many black children aborted, that the black population may have as much been doubled, had NOT, legal abortion taken place.

Now, if you want to see the long term effects of Democrats, AKA, the Klan, to destroy black lives, Roe, may have been their very best weapon, legal, medical lynchings.

But, you only have to look at who was arrested, who was killed, and what the politics were to see that in the rioting, which I feel led to January 6th, who was actually prosecuted or not.

Just one major arrest, and, that was of a child protecting himself from the leftist rioters who attacked him.

Kind of prophetic for what may have occurred if the riots had spread from the inner city to the outer suburbs, and what I knew WOULD have occurred had it went rural.

As I learned from folks in Montana.

S, S, and S.
DNinja69's Avatar
Maybe try commenting on what that message written said without trying to spin it a different direction? I am no fan of abortion and 'Pre-Born Lives Matter' is something I could stand behind. The did not write that but instead made a choice to include the word black. What would be the motivation for a white person to make that distinction?

You could argue that it was in response to the distinction made by BLM though that originated in the black community or it could be pointing fingers at black mothers which is how I read it. This could be something that weighs in the outcome of the case.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 08-17-2023, 12:25 PM
Abortions disproportionally targets minorities, that has changed, I think, due the fact, that most welfare mothers, INCLUDING WHITE, now see that having babies is a money maker, they no longer have an incentive to stop the birth, because another kid, is 200 bucks a month in WIC, or Foodstamps, which, get sold, and, if you don't think that's the case, I can show you otherwise.

I'm going to be honest, I am not generally pro life or pro choice, its the mothers decision, but, a responsible woman should never need to get an abortion, that said, if you aren't able to pay for your child, you shouldn't be rewarded for having it, even better, termination should be mandatory.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
termination should be mandatory. Originally Posted by Devo
That made my skin crawl. I could never support that, for any reason.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 08-17-2023, 01:25 PM
That made my skin crawl. I could never support that, for any reason. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Two systems of justice, abortion on demand at birth for any reason, and, the public paying for unwanted children to benefit people too lazy to pay for them.

But, that's another convo.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 08-17-2023, 01:27 PM
As for peaceful protests, generally abortion protesters are, as are most other Xtian led protest, trans, etc.

BLM and Antifa were intended to quasi para military from the start, black militias, and woke militias.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 08-17-2023, 01:29 PM
Of course we know now, the actual BLM corporation was just a ploy to make money for its founders, not charity, ADUH.........

You only have to read the Penn Hills school district audits from a few years ago to see similar actions that go unpunished.
DNinja69's Avatar
Abortion is not capable of targeting anyone. Demographics on the procedure are not likely to be very accurate though the trend does lean toward minorities having more abortions per capita than whites.

As this case involves selective prosecution which definitely has merit. It seems they had permits to gather in the area and had informed officials they would be writing on streets/sidewalks then at a later time were told that if they wrote anything it would mean arrest. Those charges were later dropped so this is about the initial arrest which appears to be lawful in that defacing is prohibited, and was weeks after the initial BLM displays so it will be interesting to see if they can get a judgement in their favor.

As for those who continue to point fingers at the black community for various reasons it is their choice but I don't have any sympathy when they are called racist for doing it. I don't like abortion outside of a few special circumstances though my concept of Freedom does not allow for me to make that choice for others.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
There’s a bunch of reasons the black community needs to have a finger pointed at it, none of them are racist and most are self inflicted. The problems that reside there will never get better if simply discussing them is labeled racist.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 08-17-2023, 02:26 PM
There’s a bunch of reasons the black community needs to have a finger pointed at it, none of them are racist and most are self inflicted. The problems that reside there will never get better if simply discussing them is labeled racist. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
That statement makes my skin crawl.

LOL, its the absolute truth, call Chris Moore on KDKA and bring that topic up if you want your white ass reamed.
winn dixie's Avatar
Whatever justice system gets trumpf off the streets I'm all for.
berryberry's Avatar
While some leftists try to spin this apparently not understanding what an appeals court works, this was a major victory for free speech

“The government may not enforce the laws in a manner that picks winners and losers in public debates,” reads the D.C. Circuit opinion penned by Judge Neomi Rao, reversing a lower court’s decision. “It would undermine the First Amendment’s protections for free speech if the government could enact a content-neutral law and then discriminate against disfavored viewpoints under the cover of prosecutorial discretion.”

“The First Amendment prohibits discrimination on the basis of viewpoint irrespective of the government’s motive,”