1) Pornography - Sex is one of many frequently discussed topics here at ECCIE.net. We do not want to be too restrictive when it comes to discussions which pertain to sexual subject matter or erotic-themed images, however we do ask that that you refrain from posting images of yourself engaging in any type of sexual conduct. In addition to this, posted images or videos which can be classified as "pornography" should be avoided. This includes avatars, linked images, or URL links which direct to sites that include pornographic images or video.The question. Does this apply to only images "HOSTED" by eccie through post attachments?
2) Partial nudity allowed - Partial nudity is ok, however there are limitations that we would like for you to follow when posting images of yourself or others in our public forums. You may post photos which include various nude poses, front and rear, however we do not allow photos which show direct exposed genitalia. Breasts which are exposed are acceptable, but shots which show genitalia (below the waist, front or rear) from any angle should be avoided. This applies in all of our coed public forums, including the Showcase.
Is it ok to include "more explicit" photos if you link to a file that is "OFFSITE" and not located on the eccie server.
Do these rules NOT apply to the Men's Lounge?