
Alright guys. So you know when your not feeling so good or maybe have a few symptoms we all just go online to WebMD and try to figure out ourselves first if a doctor visit is in store? Well what do you do when your dog/puppy is not doing so great, vets are closed and your just trying to make sure that a vet visit in store?

Is there a site that you can go on for pets? I know this is a long shot but my poor Bella just isn't doing well. All of a sudden last night she started itching and biting herself like crazy. I have checked for flees....nothing. Can't find any bugs on her. But her fur is all odd and bumpy. Her skin really doesn't look red or irritated but something is up.

Of course she was fixed 2 Mondays ago now and this last Monday I finally bathed her, but I would think that it wouldn't take 2 days to all of a sudden effect her. The only thing that I did yesterday differently was give her her Sentinel pill.

Needless to say, after being up almost all night long with her biting/itching and giving her a bath this morning (which didn't help) I cannot wait for the vet to open soon
  • Laker
  • 09-09-2010, 05:03 AM
24 hr vet in rochester : 825 White Spruce Blvd., Rochester 585-424-1277

Link to online vet, not sure how good it is?
Thanks so much. I am freaking out like how a mom would with a baby. I've never have been giving Sentinel to a pet before. It's a flea birth control, and in the past she hasn't had this problem, but I am starting to think this is why she is acting the way she is. Thank god her vet opens soon. But I'll have to keep the 24 hr vet on hand. We've been up since about 11pm last night
smokey1187's Avatar
sounds like Bella is having a allergic reaction. It may be from something you gave her or a soap that being used. I would stop bathing her since bathing drys out the skin. As for the Sentinel, check the box and see if they state a reaction. Also was there any change in Bella's diet.
I was also going to suggest the 24 hr vet in Henrietta but Laker already did. Good to have that number on hand for emergencies. Although be prepared to pay 95.00 just for the examine. Worth it when you're an animal lover! A kitten under 6 wks showed up on my doorstep near death and I rushed her there at 11pm. The look in her eyes was 'please help me'. The staff is awesome and one of the nurses took her home to foster her back to health as I couldn't keep her. Total cost with meds was 135.00 but now she has a new start at life.

Your puppy may be reacting to the Sentinel. Maybe only 1/2 the dose is needed? This time of year with the weather changing so quickly can also effect animals and their skin conditions. At least she wasn't vomiting or acting lethargic...that's a good sign.

Good luck with her...
Niktu's Avatar
  • Niktu
  • 09-09-2010, 07:57 AM
Ditto on the 24 hr emergency vet on White Spruce.

When they were on Norris Dr. I drove over to familiarize myself with the location in case of an emergency. You could pick up a refrigerator magnet. As much as I dislike them, it was helpful knowing the # was immediately visible over our aged dog's last weekend.

A side effect of Sentinel is skin congestion.

"Dogs often respond differently to area allergens than people do. For instance, people react to troublesome allergens with sneezing and congestion, whereas, a dog's allergies usually result in itchy skin, ears and paws instead."

I trust your vet gave you something for Bella by now.

I love dogs, it's people I'll dislike.
  • Laker
  • 09-09-2010, 08:55 AM
Hey All,

You are correct about the 24 hr. Vet place. they saved my pup 4 years ago and my daughters dog last year, but as you all say be prepared with your wallet!
Well Bella and I are home! She did have an allergic reaction and broke out in hives. Poor thing needed a shot and has to take benadryl. I think it has to do with some training treats that I gave her last night. So those are being tossed out! If it happens again within the next week or so, I'll have to really watch to see what she is eating/getting into. Our vet said it could be a number of things. He doesn't think sentinel was the cause, although he said it could be and we will have to wait until next months dosage to see if she has the same reaction. I am just glad puppy and me can now sleep. Poor thing was up all night itching and biting her self.

I would pay any amount of money to get my little baby all better. To me no amount is too much. She is truly a wonderful companion. And I already have a post-it on the fridge of the 24 hr care. I dunno why I didn't think of that at 2am, it would have come in handy. Next time we'll just take a trip out there instead of having to wait until 8am to call her vet, and 10:30 to see her vet.
  • Laker
  • 09-09-2010, 09:49 AM
I have had good luck with using two products individually for flea/tick control is once per month ointment brand name K-9 Advantix; and for worms/etc. a pill brand name Interceptor . Both need perscript from vet.
  • m2244
  • 09-09-2010, 09:52 AM
aww poor bella....did you go to the vet in henrietta that's where my kitty had to go ;(
Niktu's Avatar
  • Niktu
  • 09-09-2010, 10:17 AM

I would pay any amount of money to get my little baby all better. To me no amount is too much. Originally Posted by BrookeButtons
Be careful with that Brooke. I always said I'd never pay more for a vet than the cost of a dog from Lollipop Farm. Famous last words.
Long story short, holiday weekend, emergency vet, regular vet, specialists etc.
I never asked the cost. I could have made a down payment on Lollipop Farm though.

I'm glad you and puppy are better.
taggert's Avatar
Brook, ditto laker's post. I've used the k-9 advantix and the interceptor on my dogs. They work well.
My vet is the first vet that has prescribed Sentinel for flea and heart worm. The heart worm part I don't have a problem with, but it is the flea part that bothers me. So far, knock on wood, she hasn't gotten fleas. All Sentinel does is make it so that fleas can not reproduce, but she still can get them and they still can bite her. Fleas are horrible to get rid of so I really make sure she doesn't get them. But I would prefer if she was on K-9 advantix instead. Next year, I am just going to check with Petsmart or her vet if we can just put her on that. I just didn't to mix the Sentinel with K-9 and have her end up getting sick or something.
  • Aguy
  • 09-10-2010, 10:03 PM
I use frontline plus for ticks and fleas. When my shephard lab mix was chewing his butt until it was missing fur I put hydrocortison(sp?) on him and it worked well. I've never seen fleas on him and I've never had fleas bite me which if he had very may they would as he sleeps on my bed part time, but if I don't use something on him monthly he starts to chew on himself.
Aguy, sounds like your pup may have a "hotspot". Dogs will chew in just one area over and over. Bitter apple and other products can curb the biting. My parents dog had a "hotspot" and it got infected because he too, chewed to where there was no fur left and was cutting him self open.