Screening/Checking ID.

I'm shocked Dallas! I've never had appointments turned down or turned away because clients won't screen, or worse don't or won't bring ID to the appointment (even with things like address etc covered up) to prove who they are.

Ladies! If you aren't checking, gentlemen will think no one does, and that messes it up for the rest of us. Keep yourselves and the rest of us safe!! Please check ID and screen!! I'm actually apalled at this trend that I'm seeing this week. It's not just happened once, it's happened several times. Maybe we're spoiled in NOLA?


fletch's Avatar
i have never been asked to show an id to anyone. nor would i. isn't that what the verification or screening process is for???
So you don't think that when you enter the incall you should be asked to show proof you're the person that set up the appointment, and not a friend, co worker, brother that used your info/account (it DOES happen) to screen with?

P411 specifically tells providers and clients alike to keep handy the info they used to sign up with (the last 4 digits of their member number) to show to providers upon entering the incall for that very reason.

Screening isn't the be all end all. Never should be.



i have never been asked to show an id to anyone. nor would i. isn't that what the verification or screening process is for??? Originally Posted by fletch
Say What's Avatar
It's an uncommon occurrence/request, for sure. If any of you Dallas guys have seen TL on this tour and can vouch for her it may help others see past it.
BigTuna's Avatar
I agree. I do not even bring that up to the play date. I would not ask the provider for hers. I do not need to know her real name and she does not need that kind of info from me unless I offered it.
I just figure if the girls are using fake names, ages, and god knows what else. Why does she need to know all that if I passed the verification process.
fletch's Avatar
i guess it really doesn't matter what i think - but since no one other than me knows my handle or even that i am on this site, here's what i won't do. i won't show anyone my driver's license, or any other form of id that has my real life information on it. period.

i don't yuk it up with my co-workers, friends or relatives about the hobby. i am sure many do it, but discussing it in the open is generally frowned upon i would think.
Or read my reviews, I'm not here to cause drama, I'm not going to memorize your address and blackmail you, cover up that address, I just want to see your face, and your name on your ID. That's what matters. That's all a provider should NEED to see. Unless you used some other random piece of info to sign up on P411 with (gym membership/library card etc).

Mostly I've been seeing P411 members while here because they don't seem to mind showing ID, because P411 tells them to keep that ID handy!

Just be safe, seriously. It keeps ALL of us safe!

It's an uncommon occurrence/request, for sure. If any of you Dallas guys have seen TL on this tour and can vouch for her it may help others see past it. Originally Posted by Say What
A provider shouldn't be asking to see the personal info. Address etc. Put a piece of paper, taped down over it. Name/Picture. That's all that's needed

i guess it really doesn't matter what i think - but since no one other than me knows my handle or even that i am on this site, here's what i won't do. i won't show anyone my driver's license, or any other form of id that has my real life information on it. period.

i don't yuk it up with my co-workers, friends or relatives about the hobby. i am sure many do it, but discussing it in the open is generally frowned upon i would think. Originally Posted by fletch
fletch's Avatar
Or read my reviews, I'm not here to cause drama, I'm not going to memorize your address and blackmail you, cover up that address, I just want to see your face, and your name on your ID. That's what matters. That's all a provider should NEED to see. Unless you used some other random piece of info to sign up on P411 with (gym membership/library card etc).

Mostly I've been seeing P411 members while here because they don't seem to mind showing ID, because P411 tells them to keep that ID handy!

Just be safe, seriously. It keeps ALL of us safe! Originally Posted by Taylor_Love
i agree safety first. hope you have a great stay in dallas.
The problem overall is that work emails can be spoofed and ghosted, someone could have authorized OR worse unauthorized access to the accounts/account you used to set the appointment up. Following through with name/picture combo shouldn't be that big of a deal.

If it is ante up for P411 who has an even more anonymous way to do it, with some other piece of ID that has a random string of numbers, they only require 4, and it can be anything you would carry with you normally, that NO ONE else would.
fletch's Avatar
duplicate post.
Thanks! <3

i agree safety first. hope you have a great stay in dallas. Originally Posted by fletch
I have never been asked to show ID, but I would not have a problem with it.
Hurray! <3

I was hoping this wasn't just a NOLA thing. I mean of course I've had visits while I've been here, and none of them had an issue with it either.

I guess it's all about the Provider too. I don't think I could ever as a hobbyist, show an unreviewed, no name provider my ID, then I wouldn't see those providers, but if I took the chance, forking over ID would be hard, even pic/name.

Stick to the ones that have review history, and have made a name/place for themselves and it shouldn't be an issue.



I have never been asked to show ID, but I would not have a problem with it. Originally Posted by MasterBaiter1996
TinMan's Avatar
You have to do what you're comfortable with, but I've never been asked to show ID, nor will I. In fact, when the subject comes up most of us advise against guys bringing anything into the session with them other than the money they plan to leave behind and the keys to their vehicle. I lock all my other valuables, including my wallet, in my car.

I think you're going to find most guys in this town are like me, although it's quite possible I'm getting by on my charm and good looks.