Negativity on the Christmas.Milfie

To all the immature members and providers that took part on the thread that made me look bad, I am getting talked about by people that have no idea who I am. This person Jayschear1 didn't even see me. he's mad because I wouldn't give him what he wanted. I thought we as adults were above such bullshit gossip.
Talk is cheap, if you want to believe such garbage than go ahead, but to have shit talked about me and words twisted and taken out of contence is wrong and unjust.
I know what I have and haven't done, and at the end of the day I know I have been safe and no one has any reason to judge me.
Members believe what you want, I don't care. Providers just don't be so damn petty and fear someone better than you.
Still Looking's Avatar

You answered an ISO request for bare back. Nothing wrong with that. Is this your way of saying you don't do bare back any more?
I imagine she didn't read the post right. Most of the same ones respond to every iso. Think its habit for them. Sad
Skip_8's Avatar
There's always haters out there. Just do your thing.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Well fart on my dick and call me Santa...

Girl, I mean, in fairness YOU answered a bareback ISO regardless of if you intended to or not.

So the onus falls on you. You gotta own it girl. You can't possibly have expected that to go well. It goes worse when you come to bitch at folks for your fuck up. Just saying'.

This is fucking Austin Eccie after all filled to the brim with shuffling slack jawed mayo chuds, and icy hellcunts. But we're a pretty forgiving bunch. In a week no one will remember this, we will have turned our lifeless, dead eyes to the next bungle of the week.
darter's Avatar
This is fucking Austin Eccie after all filled to the brim with shuffling slack jawed mayo chuds, and icy hellcunts. But we're a pretty forgiving bunch. In a week no one will remember this, we will have turned our lifeless, dead eyes to the next bungle of the week. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Damn Miss V, I think you won the internet today! This was the best thing I've seen in quite a while!
Stewie griffen's Avatar
Well said, and creatively crafted ms v
Miss Valentina's Avatar
RICKDOG8's Avatar
100 Fuckin' percent correct Miss V!!!!!! At least just say you fucked up and didn't read the ISO correctly.
Still Looking's Avatar
I forgive her but that's my nature!
Parsifal's Avatar
Miss V...we're going to have to meet.

"Icy hellcunt"...funniest and most descriptive thing I've read in years. Immediately conjured mental images of women in steel bras and helmets galloping at full stride with their swords drawn, hellcunts in tow!

Fucking hilarity!
Treetop78759's Avatar
In a week no one will remember this, we will have turned our lifeless, dead eyes to the next bungle of the week. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
I agree. Next week should have a lot of fireworks so don't worry sweetie.

Cheers and be safe.
I appreciate and understand all your comments. I do own up to my mistake. Thank you Miss V, greatly appreciated.
Guest121917-1's Avatar
Miss V....I adore you!!
Well fart on my dick and call me Santa... Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
I could only imagine what the donation would run for that activity