echo phone message???

Hi, asking some info on messages I have sent to confirm an appointment (text on cel phone) I send the message and get my message back. Is this a function that a provider would leave their phone set in... to what ?? Is it a default mode or what?
Is it really coming back? What phone do you use? For my regular texts I use an iPhone as there are times that I get a new text alert, but it's really just what I sent - and it's on the side of my sent messages. I'm not sure why it does that.. I just brush it off as reception issues..
they actuall come back a few seconds after sending on the inbox side
Strange.. Maybe you have to pick up the phone and call like the stoneages to make sure she's getting them.
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Going to prob sound stupid but I wonder if it's a empty reply with the text inline.
I route certain GV text through filters to my other email for instant updates and quick replies. Long story short my "out of office responder" did some wonky stuff including replying their text back but it included my out going message.