
Steev's Avatar
  • Steev
  • 09-11-2013, 06:53 PM
I've been a hobbyist photographer for quite awhile and recently I was going through some of my photos and it really gave me the itch to start shooting more (haven't shot anything/anyone in awhile).... So of course the idea hits me that maybe I could scratch that itch with the help of any of the fantastic ladies here on the site....
I know this sounds like a newb/hacky thing to say (at least to me it does), but would any of you girls want some decent photos taken of you? For either your showcase or just personal use, or whatever the case is... Now since I'm not pro I wouldn't want to charge you because they wouldn't be 'studio' type of stuff (like BCD, who does great work) but they would be solid photos.... I'm not looking at this as a 'trade' situation as I'm sure that's what a lot of people are thinking (although my proverbial 'tip jar' is always ready and it doesn't necessarily have to be cash, sorry but I just had to say that), what I gain out of it is my enjoyment of the whole process-- being on site shooting and being creative, the tech side of it with lighting and framing, the excitement of plugging the memory card into the computer to see what I've got and the whole editing process, AND of course having some beautiful ladies in my lens
No, I don't shoot pictures with my phone and yes, I have a real camera with real lenses and even have a small lighting kit (static, not strobes....right now BCD is smacking his head LOL)....
If anyone is interested let me know and I will be more than happy to send you some sample shots via email and we can go from there...
I've been in contact with a couple girls already and trying to land a time that work with our schedules...

So, what do you ladies think?
Helicopter206's Avatar
First thing that came to mind, he is using his Phone.
I have taken quite a few photos using the providers phone.
Some are even posted on here, in some show cases.
That way there are no copy's in my phone.
I have never asked a provider if I could take a photo. I know a lot of you do.
This would make things a little creepy. I'm paying to fill some holes, drop some seed.
And leave her alone.
bcdstudios's Avatar
Hello Steev, I would recommend you keep shooting (even if just a hobby), have the girls help you pose them and build your talents from each shoot. Just be honest about your skills (you already did that below) and where you are coming from and expectations. Always communicate and tell the girls what you can do for them, so there are no hurt feelings. My rule is always get paid - in cash or professional services - NO one should work for free. Every one has somethng to offer Good luck and I'll look forward to seeing your images posted on here. (I always love constructive critiques about my images too)

BTW check you PM.

I've been a hobbyist photographer for quite awhile and recently I was going through some of my photos and it really gave me the itch to start shooting more (haven't shot anything/anyone in awhile).... So of course the idea hits me that maybe I could scratch that itch with the help of any of the fantastic ladies here on the site....
I know this sounds like a newb/hacky thing to say (at least to me it does), but would any of you girls want some decent photos taken of you? For either your showcase or just personal use, or whatever the case is... Now since I'm not pro I wouldn't want to charge you because they wouldn't be 'studio' type of stuff (like BCD, who does great work) but they would be solid photos.... I'm not looking at this as a 'trade' situation as I'm sure that's what a lot of people are thinking (although my proverbial 'tip jar' is always ready and it doesn't necessarily have to be cash, sorry but I just had to say that), what I gain out of it is my enjoyment of the whole process-- being on site shooting and being creative, the tech side of it with lighting and framing, the excitement of plugging the memory card into the computer to see what I've got and the whole editing process, AND of course having some beautiful ladies in my lens
No, I don't shoot pictures with my phone and yes, I have a real camera with real lenses and even have a small lighting kit (static, not strobes....right now BCD is smacking his head LOL)....
If anyone is interested let me know and I will be more than happy to send you some sample shots via email and we can go from there...
I've been in contact with a couple girls already and trying to land a time that work with our schedules...

So, what do you ladies think? Originally Posted by Steev
I've been a hobbyist photographer for quite awhile and recently I was going through some of my photos and it really gave me the itch to start shooting more (haven't shot anything/anyone in awhile).... So of course the idea hits me that maybe I could scratch that itch with the help of any of the fantastic ladies here on the site....
I know this sounds like a newb/hacky thing to say (at least to me it does), but would any of you girls want some decent photos taken of you? For either your showcase or just personal use, or whatever the case is... Now since I'm not pro I wouldn't want to charge you because they wouldn't be 'studio' type of stuff (like BCD, who does great work) but they would be solid photos.... I'm not looking at this as a 'trade' situation as I'm sure that's what a lot of people are thinking (although my proverbial 'tip jar' is always ready and it doesn't necessarily have to be cash, sorry but I just had to say that), what I gain out of it is my enjoyment of the whole process-- being on site shooting and being creative, the tech side of it with lighting and framing, the excitement of plugging the memory card into the computer to see what I've got and the whole editing process, AND of course having some beautiful ladies in my lens
No, I don't shoot pictures with my phone and yes, I have a real camera with real lenses and even have a small lighting kit (static, not strobes....right now BCD is smacking his head LOL)....
If anyone is interested let me know and I will be more than happy to send you some sample shots via email and we can go from there...
I've been in contact with a couple girls already and trying to land a time that work with our schedules...

So, what do you ladies think? Originally Posted by Steev
Look at the showcases.

No one cares. Cell phone selfies, pro photos, whatevs.

You might gather some interest with a used endoscopy setup. That would probably be worth pursuing. Might make more money with guys than providers.
Steev's Avatar
  • Steev
  • 09-13-2013, 06:02 PM
So how much are you selling your used endoscope for?