The Real Definition of Terrorism

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
From the article:

"Few things better illustrate the utter meaninglessness of the word Terrorism than applying it to a citizen of an invaded country for fighting back against the invading army and aiming at purely military targets.

To the extent the word means anything operationally, it is: "he who effectively opposes the will of the U.S. and its allies. This topic is so vital because this meaningless, definition-free word — Terrorism — drives so many of our political debates and policies.

Virtually every debate in which I ever participate quickly and prominently includes defenders of government policy invoking the word as some sort of debate-ending, magical elixir: of course President Obama has to assassinate U.S. citizens without due process: they’re Terrorists; of course we have to stay in Afghanistan: we have to stop The Terrorists; President Obama is not only right to kill people (including civilians) using drones, but is justified in boasting and even joking about it, because they’re Terrorists; of course some people should be held in prison without charges: they’re Terrorists, etc. etc. It’s a word that simultaneously means nothing and justifies everything."

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Do you have an opinion base don fact, or do you simple seek opinion you like and post them as your own? Plagiarism is a cheap form of lying, and you have mastered 'em all!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I agree with the opinion in the article and picture I posted, which is fully sourced. There is no claim that those are my words, but I do agree with the words as posted.

I will admit, when I find an article that agrees with me, it is usually right.

Thanks for your input, Assup. It's always nice to hear from the reigning . . .



When I was in college I took an elective course called Terrorism and Executive Protection. Probably one of the most fascinating courses I ever had in college. This was in 1995, well before 9/11.

Terrorism was defined as any act intended to instill fear or panic as a means to influence attitudes and beliefs, effect policy change and/or behavior change among both individuals affected by terrorism, as well as at governmental or institutional levels.

I'm paraphrasing of course, but its about as inclusive and broad a definition as it gets. Does it apply to US policy past or present? No.

Honestly, the policy allowing the summary execution of traitors who take up arms against us is probably the one policy of Obama's that I agree with. I really don't give a crap what happens to former US citizens who renounce their citizenship (thus renouncing the Constitutional protections that US citizens enjoy), travel to another country, and declare jihad on the US. If they are detained and tried as a terrorist and traitor, fine. If they get splattered across the desert by a drone, I'm fine with that too. Good riddance.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
But they aren't all citizens who have renounced their citizenship. Some are teenage boys visiting their father, and killed in a separate attack. Not to mention journalists being killed, along with a lot of innocent people, including small children.
You equate the Taliban and al Qaeda as being the same as the government of the United States?

I swear to god, you need to be punched right in the fucking face you ridiculous old asshole.

From the article:

"Few things better illustrate the utter meaninglessness of the word Terrorism than applying it to a citizen of an invaded country for fighting back against the invading army and aiming at purely military targets.

To the extent the word means anything operationally, it is: "he who effectively opposes the will of the U.S. and its allies. This topic is so vital because this meaningless, definition-free word — Terrorism — drives so many of our political debates and policies.

Virtually every debate in which I ever participate quickly and prominently includes defenders of government policy invoking the word as some sort of debate-ending, magical elixir: of course President Obama has to assassinate U.S. citizens without due process: they’re Terrorists; of course we have to stay in Afghanistan: we have to stop The Terrorists; President Obama is not only right to kill people (including civilians) using drones, but is justified in boasting and even joking about it, because they’re Terrorists; of course some people should be held in prison without charges: they’re Terrorists, etc. etc. It’s a word that simultaneously means nothing and justifies everything."

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What is the US government doing that is different from what al Qaeda or the Taliban are doing, Timmy?
What is the US government doing that is different from what al Qaeda or the Taliban are doing, Timmy? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Oh, I dunno you fucking idiot. Not crashing planes into buildings filled with innocent people? Not sawing the heads off of hostages? Building schools, roads, and other types of necessary infrastructure. Making sure everybody in the United States has a flush toilet?

You're so stupid somebody ought to whip the hide off of you. Move to Afghanistan and see what the government does for you there you fucking moron.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Oh, you mean randomly killing innocent people? Torturing prisoners? Oh, that's right, that's exactly what the US is doing, along with bombing schools, roads and necessary infrastructure in undeclared wars with no definition of victory.

You're the stupid one, Timmy. You can't see that we are becoming what we hate.
I'm sorry that you've allowed yourself to get so confused and fucked up that you've ended up hating our country. You should go somewhere else....where Gary Johnson can be president and you can pretend that you and the rest of the whackadoos could build your perfect little country filled with old fat white people like you who could live in perfect isolationist harmony.

Fuck you.

QUOTE=CuteOldGuy;1052331512]Oh, you mean randomly killing innocent people? Torturing prisoners? Oh, that's right, that's exactly what the US is doing, along with bombing schools, roads and necessary infrastructure in undeclared wars with no definition of victory.

You're the stupid one, Timmy. You can't see that we are becoming what we hate.[/QUOTE]
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I love America, which is why the direction we're heading bothers me. Our government no longer upholds the values on which this country was founded. We are becoming a police state. You are too blinded by jingoistic nationalism you can't recognize patriotism when you see it.

You are what is wrong with America, Timmy.
What is the US government doing that is different from what al Qaeda or the Taliban are doing, Timmy? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

They haven't bombed Wichita just to get you .Biggest Anti American on the board.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I may be the most anti-government poster on the board, but I am not anti-American at all. Learn the difference.

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-10-2013, 07:37 AM
You equate the Taliban and al Qaeda as being the same as the government of the United States?

I swear to god, you need to be punched right in the fucking face you ridiculous old asshole. Originally Posted by timpage
Pretty violent cocksucker aren't you? Fucking dipshit, why don't you just go back to giving roadkill a blowjob. Go fuck yourself, and this is just for you

You're an idiot. One-trick pony with one thing to say all the time. Back to the shallow end of the pool dimwit.

Pretty violent cocksucker aren't you? Fucking dipshit, why don't you just go back to giving roadkill a blowjob. Go fuck yourself, and this is just for you

LMFAO Originally Posted by seedman55