Any info in Roch? somebody must have seen her...

She advertises a lot and looks almost TGTBT. Any info?
bobmidnight's Avatar
I reached out once via text...very innocuous..nothing explicit at all and she went crazy on me in response.I think she's a fucking nutjob.
lilylivered's Avatar
Thats what I remember hearing about her, BSC
ben dover's Avatar
Images show up with at least 4 different phone numbers, all in Roch though.
I reached out back when she first started showing up on STG. Basically same scenario as Bob.
I have had a few conversations but then disappears.
I saw her last fall. Took awhile to see her. She is close to 50. Rocking body. Nuttier then a fruit cake. Kind of a weird experience. Not horrible just left feeling it could have went either way. She’s real she’s attractive she’s got a safe place she’s got a hot body. But I’m not going back. You decide