alternative christmas fundraiser

  • Noid
  • 10-27-2015, 05:39 PM
Any ideas? Mine would be to check the salvation army, boys or girls home,angel tree, or find homeless families. Then donate personally. It's more legwork, but you know where your effort goes. And you may get to see the joy in their faces.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Beats contributing to somebody else's tax dodge.
Another idea would be to bring a special gift to someone in a nursing home. No shortage of need for smiles there. A lonely place to be knowing you're only there because the world no longer considers you of any value.

We baby boomers are all only a lap or two around the track from that finish line.

I say teach a child how important he/she is and how to succeed in life doing what they love.

Bring a gift to someone who has seen it all yet feels forgotten and outcast after making it this far.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Good suggestions.
Another idea would be to bring a special gift to someone in a nursing home. No shortage of need for smiles there. A lonely place to be knowing you're only there because the world no longer considers you of any value.

We baby boomers are all only a lap or two around the track from that finish line.

I say teach a child how important he/she is and how to succeed in life doing what they love.

Bring a gift to someone who has seen it all yet feels forgotten and outcast after making it this far. Originally Posted by Windinhishair
I donate to Safe place when I can. They help with human trafficking victims as well as battered women. They've helped change a lot of women and children's lives.
Good ideas! I also support The Ronald McDonald House here in Austin. Wonderful people.
Deznuttz's Avatar
Fuck old people. Christmas Is for the kids. So buy some bullshit gift and give to a random person in a nursing home. Lol
deerwhisperer's Avatar
I volunteer at a nursing home every other Thursday for 3 years now. Last year I did a stuffed animal drive and it was a big hit. But just last week I was there and a lady I was massaging told me that a man down the hall keeps stealing stuffed animals in her room, she caught him and he told her that she has so many, and he has none. So...I think he must be new and never got one.

They always can use gifts and time--time as in people to hang out with and listen to them.

Also, like the idea of finding homeless people and helping them directly. I think directly helping people in need is better than charity. Another thought is go to Ryan Wolf's facebook page, it has hundreds of people in need, it is the most heart breaking page ever.
FS_ITC's Avatar
Fuck old people.... Lol Originally Posted by Deznuttz
I'm an old person. Please give me a fuck.
Billy Shakes's Avatar
So is it a tradition that the Austin members hold a holiday fund raiser? Which organizations benefit from the generosity?
Whispers's Avatar
So is it a tradition that the Austin members hold a holiday fund raiser? Which organizations benefit from the generosity? Originally Posted by Billy Shakes
In 2011 the community came together for a a local cause that provided trees, decorations, food and met "Wish List" needs for kids served by a local program that works with At-Risk kids here in Austin. In 2012 and 2013 it grew to service a total of 4 programs.

Unlike a lot of giving that people do to the large organizations, the fund raiser done here in previous years put material items in the hands of the kids and their families that needed them and asked for things. No funds were provided directly to the organizations. They did receive some gaming systems, Books, Board Games and Sporting Equipment that was extra after all the kids wish lists were filled.

After some threats of outing and disparaging remarks were made in 2014 it was decided NOT to do a fund raiser so as to not put people at risk. Late in the year that person retracted all comments made and tried to make things right but it was a little late. Each year took more and more planning than the previous year and nothing had been done at that point. People did come together, the organizations were trimmed to the core group that had been at the heart of it all since 2011 and thanks to those that stepped up the core group's needs were still served.

The program itself was known to those involved in collections, shopping and deliveries, the Mods and higher ups on the board. It was also shared with a couple of large contributors.

In regards to naming an organization, pause to consider for a moment how an Agency serving a public interest could function in the negative press that would come from a bunch of whore mongers and the ladies that serve them being identified as contributors. You can see in local press in the last couple of weeks how a local Agency just kicked a board member off and dozens of years of work he did helping people in need was set aside after he was caught in a sting targeting people that hobby. In another hobbby related incident a couple of years ago a Houston provider advertising a special for those that brought a gift for the Toys for Tots campaign caught National Media Attention and considerable admonishment. She did neg National exposure for her ads though.

I definitely support the ideas presented above by the other members and hope that each and everyone here take and set aside some money and pick a cause to support this year.

Need each and every year increases which is a shame considering the amount of support our country generates for people in other parts of the world.
  • Noid
  • 10-29-2015, 03:08 PM
It's a self-agrandizing hooker raffle,,, tax dodge. Motives and accounting are highly suspect. Too much me,me,me, and no humbleness.
Whispers's Avatar

Rather then using a thread you started with your original post made for a good purpose why don't you keep your message pure.

If your motivation was to suggest people give then do so.

There is no current fund raiser organized for you to carry on your agenda against.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar

Rather then using a thread you started with your original post made for a good purpose why don't you keep your message pure.

If your motivation was to suggest people give then do so.

There is no current fund raiser organized for you to carry on your agenda against. Originally Posted by Whispers
Totally agree, keep it positive and if someone finds the need to go off, start a new threAd about fundraiser scams, then go off on that threAd.

Give to whatever you feel will do the best good, that's all one can do.