“Rayne The Robber” review is a lie and I have proof

I want to start this out by saying if an encounter review is a blatant, bold faced, lie, then it should be allowed to be disputed and removed.

ChiefsFan51 starts texting me. He admits he read my ad that states I do not allow anyone to go bareback. Protection must be worn. He says “that’ll be a problem. I want to finish in you and take 4 pictures”

I don’t allow anyone to finish in me whether in my personal life or as an escort. I do value my safety. I do not want STDs or a pregnancy.

So I tell him I’m uncomfortable with it and if I considered it, I’d upcharge. He says he can’t afford my regular rate. At this point he is being respectful and nice so I contemplate and say if he can provide proof it would be safe to let him finish in me then we can meet. He sends screenshots of convos with other escorts where they’re just saying that while he’s nice, they can’t keep meeting with him for less than their advertised rate. At this point I’m telling him that doesn’t really make me feel better. That’s when he starts passive aggressively stating his reviews reach 2,000 people and he has the power to help someone or harm them essentially. So now I’m all the way turned off and am not comfortable meeting at all. I understand reviews but I don’t like it being used as an intimidation tactic in hopes I’ll bow down and give you what you want. I blocked his number. He started texting me from two different numbers. One of those numbers he pretends to be an escort. He even sends pics of her. So if he’s your regular, beware, he might be pretending to be you to threaten people. I found out it was him behind the number when a regular texted the number for me and he admitted who it was.

I have been threatened by him, harassed by him, and now he’s slandering me. I have all the proof I never robbed him. As for the commenter who states that someone who works for me robbed him, I do not work with anyone. Nobody works under me and I don’t meet clients at houses unless it’s an outcall.

I’ve never had any issue with anyone like I’ve had with ChiefsFan. Idc if he wants to be mad that I wouldn’t give him what he wanted but to blatantly lie is insane. Idk how to post the proof on the thread but if anyone feels uncomfortable by what he said. Please text me. I’d be more than happy to share the screenshots of the entire convo. We never even confirmed meet up. No money was exchanged. Period. I don’t do cashapp unless it’s requested. I don’t require deposits or booking fees unless you flake twice and I want to be sure you won’t flake again. I do cash upfront 99% of the time and we not once met in person. I genuinely enjoy escorting. I have fun with my clients. I’ve never had a bad encounter and I take pride in clients enjoying themselves and coming back as a regular. In which I’ve always had someone come back again.
We never once even confirmed meeting either.
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Nope but his encounter review was a dude in the comments swearing another provider who worked under me robbed him, that we all live in the same house, and work together. I work out a hotel room unless I do outcalls. I don’t work with any other escort. I know escorts but no, I have not ever worked with one. It’s frustrating tbh. If you want proof I can send you the entire SS of our convo from the very first time he ever messaged me back in April until May when I finally blocked him. Not once have we ever even confirmed meet up.
Guess we heard from both sides here and everyone can judge for themselves.
I’d like to Hear from ChiefsFan cause I’m pretty sure He called someone else on here Out on the same Behavior He’s wanting for service.
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No, I did not say another provider that works under you robbed me.

When cheifsfan left this review I reached out to him and he told me it was the same house I got robbed at. So I assumed that was correct. Another person commented the tile was the same in her pics.

So I don't know you and have never met you. So, if that info was incorrect, I'm sorry. I know the woman at that address has a girl working with her.
Why haven't we heard from Chiefsfan? I'm beginning to believe Rayne...
He is texting me right now saying he “never said you robbed me” and how we can meet up right now and he will take it down and right a good review. He is trying to manipulate me into meeting up with him in hopes he will take down the review where he knows he lied. He also even says I didn’t rob him….
Read my comment. He just started texting me
He’s texting me right now pretending he doesn’t know how that review goes there and that he will update it to a “good review” if I meet up with him. And yes I have the screenshots.

I also found out nobody can see my dispute and my side unless they’re premium members? So his review thags a lie gets to be public but mine, even though I have proof, can’t be seen by anyone who doesn’t have a premium account? From my understanding. That’s awesome ��
I don’t think he’s going to respond. He is texting me now trying to get me to meet up so he can “leave a good review”. He won’t tell me if he will contact the mods. The mods told me they can’t finish looking into it until they head from both sides. I sent the mods the new screenshots of the texts cheifsfan is sending now also. So at this point, idk what else to do. I did everything “right” I got screenshots. I disputed the way they said to by posting in the coed discussion. I’ve never robbed anyone.
Without hearing from c fan, it’s does seem like you have a great deal of evidence and he has always been very bold with his comments.
As many have stated, this is a site to share info, and we all hope the info that gets posted is factual.
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So my question to you is were you the girl on the link he posted????

By the way, he responded to my pm asking if the address of his "robbery" was same as mine and he said he thought so.
I have all screenshots. He spent an hour apologizing in my texts earlier in an attempt to get me to meet up. He also said he did message the mods to tell them I never robbed him. So idk. I haven’t heard anything aside from that. He wasn’t even wanting to message the mods and I told him that you can’t just say you’re sorry and not make it right. He confidentially told his lie publicly but he can’t recant the lie publicly? He was very nice up until the point I didn’t want to meet him due to feeling uncomfortable with protection not being used.